Time to finally adress this, which is the most misused category on this wiki. I have completely rewritten the category description, which was a huge mess, and will now need help in removing everything that doesn't belong there.
Time to finally adress this, which is the most misused category on this wiki. I have completely rewritten the category description, which was a huge mess, and will now need help in removing everything that doesn't belong there.
Are they? Chaotic Evil is an overall size-up of the villain. Someone can destroy lives, kill many people and still have a standard. Scar is a Serial Killer - he kills alchemists, he does this specifically to atone to his God for being an instrument of alchemy, he also has a deep sense of honor that permeates through his murders.
and What About Chucky AKA Charles Lee Ray? he is a Serial Killer who Practices voodoo and Worships a Voodoo Deity Known as Damballa as he transfered his soul into the Good Guy Doll.
there are some serial killers who are pure evil and then there are the ones who became killers because of a horrible childhood.
What does that have to do with the discussion?
Would Imhotep apply here?
oh i was just saying what leads them down the path
I always thought that this wiki needed a serial killer list! tnx!!
just want to point out the "no serial killers in media focused on kids" is wrong - we have the famous family-movie Up, which had a serial-killer as the main antagonist.
The Other Mother from Coraline is also a serial killer from a "family" movie....right?
I never thought of her that way, more as a bogeywoman but... I meant she -does- kill a specific type of person, repeatedly, mostly out of compulsion. We discounted demons and such unless they are killers regardless of their species, as in they do not kill out of instinct or need but rather intent and no one said Other Mother needed to kill kids, she just needs their love so I think that one sounds clear. The biggest hic-up is the species restriction, and if she has to kill them or she would do so under her own agency.