141 Votes in Poll
She did had potential. Maybe they’ll explore her character more in future comics
Sir Miles Axlerod: he created alternative fuel just to make it seems low quality and danger. Why? this is useless spending of money. Patent alternative fuel would be more profitable and legal. How to justify it: well, if someone would already patent alternative fuel or if Axlerod wouldn't be the creator of this fuel or even business rival of creator, Axlerod would looking more smart. In first way he may to look (probably) more sympathetic.
I'm still angry about how wasted Infinite (and all of Forces, really) was. Sonic Mania practically gave the writers of Forces interesting concepts on a platter. The Phantom Ruby, a mysterious reality-warping counterpart to the Chaos Emeralds, in the hands of someone whose own bloody theme song made him out to be more interesting than he actually was.
Lex Luthor from BvS. To me, he came off as a hyperactive psycho who had a hate boner for Superman for past family trauma and paranoia. Lex Luthor is supposed to be calm and confident but oozing with Arrogance and Jealousy towards Superman. Luthor should be the guy orchestrating everything from the shadows, the one who figures out everything for himself and the guy represents the cynicism towards Superman. Luthor in the movie literally has a shit plan with Doomsday being his ultimate weapon in case Batman doesn’t kill Superman or if Superman wins, who’s first thing he did was attempt to waste Luthor only for Supes to save him. Luthor should’ve went with something simple like Bizarro who is a dumb as bricks clone of Superman because Luthor would want a Superman of his own, Metallo who could be someone who worked for Luthor and was turned into a Cyborg with a Chunk of Kryptonite as his battery and could be the person he could’ve used test the Kryptonite on Superman, a suit powered by Kryptonite and iron man like modifications to it as a last resort if Batman spares Superman and goes after Luthor or even create Parasite who could simply absorb Superman’s powers. Then again, Batman took the Kryptonite so Metallo and the Warsuit are out of the idea window. Still, would’ve been awesome to see a live action Luthor in a warsuit fight Superman though. He could’ve also made Superboy either in case Batman won or if Superman won but was seriously injured so that he could send a drone to get some DNA samples for the clone. ... I’ll stop ranting about a poorly written move from 4 years ago now.
I think ultron biggest flaw that made him feel like less of a threat is that they made him too human, his facial features and constant jokes kind of took away from his main attribute which was his cold-blooded nature, so humanizing him kind of watered down the threat level.
Yeah he never directly attacked Scarlet Witch and actually cared for her. Ultron from the comics is pure evil.
@BornAgain907 @Romeo and Robot
The thing is, a pure evil Ultron from the comics likely wouldn't have worked. Both the MCU and DCCU had dozens of cold-heartedly evil villains (especially ones with a grey color scheme), so a classical Ultron would've blended into that crowd of disliked villains. He does not have as much of a badass evil factor as comic Ultron, but at least he's different. I for my part had no problem with him whatsoever.
They We’re all pretty good
Ultron deserved a lot better!
What do you think?