I honestly find Eustace to be hilarious and does have reasons and a few redeeming qualities behind his grouchy and annoying nature,but I honestly think Ball of Revenge completely ended up damaging his character since the writers turned him into a complete vengeful jackass who wanted Courage dead by gathering all of his past enemies to kill him in a dodgebag game. I think Ball of Revenge would've been better if they did better with the villian choices and made Ma Bagge(Eustace's mother) the villian since she was the reason Eustace became the way he is and is much more worse than her own son. I also like 1990's It's Pennywise and Mr.Burns as well. But I hate Carter Pewterschmidt from Family Guy more than Burns because he's a total rich businessman who likes to bully and torment nearly everyone(except for his family) including his son in-law,Peter Griffin and refused to reveal the cure for cancer.