When the Collector watched too much Steven Universe
When the Collector watched too much Steven Universe
Yeah, they are pretty much giving the middle finger to Steven Universe for giving horrible characters crappy redemptions, like I get some characters should have been redeemed in the show, like Blue, Lapis, and Peridot since they were more sympathetic characters, but Yellow and White definetly didn't. This show gave characters that needed a redemption one (except Bocha, but she was a pretty minor asshole in comparison to the others) and didn't give ones to characters like Belos, Odalia, Kikimora, and the Titan Trappers.
@Tripp Everett what do you mean Belos was clearly under the influence on dark magic he definitely should have been redeemed
Belos being redeem is impossible considering that his actions has gotten way worse and remains to be very delusional. If someone like him remains to be this way with their actions then there’s no saving for them.
That's nothing! In the last special, Hunter asked if he had the Magic of Friendship like in My Little Pony, but Willow said it was actually from Flapjack. This is somewhat ironic because the creator of The Owl House is afraid of horses.
What do you think?