Hey there, Miller here! The Wiki Representative for this community, here to bring you the latest updates that's been occurring with Fandom! Check it out!
Asian American Pacific Islander Month
Star Wars Day
Community Connect / Tech Updates
Mobile CSS
Fandom Compass
Asian American Pacific Islander Month (click here to learn more)
May is Asian American Pacific Islander Month in the US! The 2023 theme invites us to Break the Mold, where we deconstruct stereotypes in the industry of entertainment and showcase Asian culture through various forms. Fandom also has curated a playlist in honor of Asian American Pacific Islander Month as well!
Star Wars Day (click here to learn more)
May the 4th was transformed into May the 4th be with you for Star Wars Day! The Star Wars franchise has had a major cultural impact worldwide, and fans were here to celebrate! Given the success of the Women's History Month Final Girls trading card series, new trading cards have been created for the celebration!
Community Connect / Tech Updates (click here to learn more)
Community Connect 2023 occurred this year in Atlanta, Georgia, and lots were discussed in regard to Fandom's product plans and priorities for the rest of the year, where the theme for this year was experimentation. Feel free to check out our recap to get a rundown of what was discussed this year! In addition to developments that were discussed at Community Connect, we have more technical updates to share such as known issues and notable changes that could impact and further enhance your experience on Fandom.
Mobile CSS (click here to learn more)
Mobile CSS is now available for admins and communities are beginning to utilize the feature! Admins now have the ability to customize Mobile CSS on their respective wikis. Want to learn more about it? We've got you covered with a rundown that you can check out!
Fandom Compass (click here to learn more)
Fandom Compass unites wikis to showcase to search engines that they're the most authoritative answer to a question a user may have. The goal of the project is to recognize the hard work that many users put into their respective wikis as they work to create it more authoritative, hence encouraging fans to visit and collaborate on these wiki communities. Interested in having your wiki be in Fandom Compass? We've got you covered on how you can join!
Is there any news and update that you're most excited about? Let's discuss! If you have any further questions, comments and or concerns don't hesitate to reach out! :)