79 Votes in Poll
Makima would be a great mother, her entire dream was to be with a family.
Either Eren, Griffith or Makima. Because neither of them do "For the Evulz" torture and killing kids. Eren and Makima kills only to change the world. Griffith kills only those who hurts his ego.
Probably not Griffith, but maybe this guy instead
I wouldn't even trust regular Peter Griffin to watch my kids.
Peter Griffith 💀💀💀💀
"Hey Lois, remember that time I fought Guts from Berserk?"
Eren's the only one I can plausibly see be actually nice to kids.
Far better than Makima or Johan who are easily the worst choices to hand your kids over of the lot because what we already have in canon.
Eren is like a complete lesser evil compared to the rest of the options, and even then he's pretty much No Saint
What do you think?