I agree but I think that's because they were trying to get rid of Afton before they added the Mimic
everything the fandom accusses them of doing to the lore, andrew did first and worse #tbh
it was a common thing back in the pre-ruin days to say that mimic absolutely ruined the timeline just from being burntrap and glitchtrap, ruining the integrity of the mci (i dunno why people said that?), and little else
meanwhile andrew did the exact same thing but you never see anyone complaining about him :sob:
Because Andrew it made sense with them due to FF being completely messed up and the story made no sense anyway ok fine but The Mimic???? Hell no you just introduce a new character and then completely changed everything it doesn't explain anything about William it raised more questions than answers and it makes NO sense you can't just say this then expect to NOT get hate The Mimic is hated on because of this reason which is valid
i mean given the context that at the time stitchlinegames wasn't as popular or looked as probable as it does now i can understand how he didn't get as much hate as the mimic
but even in modern day, you don't see a lot of people complaining about andrew just retconning the mci into having a secret sixth victim no one knew about, or the fact that he's just the vengeful spirit, despite golden freddy being literally everywhere during ucn
@Wontgiveyouanyfurtherinformation what does mci stand for?
it stands for Missing Children's Incident, the event
What do you think?