63 Votes in Poll
Well one thing is for sure Adam is an overused villain name.
Can’t change my vote can I
No, I'm afraid you can't change your vote. Though, your opinion is YOUR opinion and I'm just glad you civilly disagreed with me while respecting my thoughts. I respect yours too.
I changed my mind
Honestly don't think so, the trailer leaves it unknown what she was after, she is only helping Adam to help Faunus but has no interest in hurting anyone. The moment Adam suggests actually hurting people, she leaves him. It's made clear that Blake never had any plans to hurt anyone and was doing what she thinks would help her people. This isn't like Vaggie who we see has killed countless people. Blake never really hurt anyone, just went with Adam to help him in what he said would help the Faunus and left once it was made clear he was going to hurt people and didn't care about doing it.
What makes you think she should be here?
@Yoshikage1234 I’ll say it again.
Basically, her trailer reveals that she was part of the White Fang with her then-mentor Adam Taurus, meaning she had a partnership with a Pure Evil villain. She is seen raiding a cargo train owned by Weiss' company (the Schnee Dust Company) and she assaults and seemingly kills several Atlesian Knight-130s along with Adam to help him find what he was looking for (not sure if they died or not but it is still assault). Of course, she did redeem herself and become a hero who wants to right the wrongs of her past and protect Remnant from Grimm along with her teammates Ruby, Weiss and Yang, but you gotta be aware that she still worked alongside a PE terrorist who was racist to Faunus (her own species, mind you) and sought to subjugate humanity as revenge for making him suffer.
That would be a hard no since her motives was to help her community. She left her mentor/boyfriend because she was noticing his increasing violent behavior towards others and hated his abusive nature. Also you got to remember that the White Fang weren’t always bad as they were simple protesters in the past with her father being it’s former leader.
@Yoshikage1234 and @Tripp Everett Well, judging by both of your points, that means Blake doesn’t qualify as a villain. Unlike Adam, it’s unknown if she had malicious intent while working for the White Fang. So the answer to my question is no.
What do you think?