S-vur·11/23/2024in GeneralWhich is your favorite demon from Demon SlayerMuzan KibutsujiDomaKokushiboNakimeAkazaRuiVote23 Votes in PollDoma (Demon Slayer)Muzan KibutsujiKokushiboNakimeAkazaRui
MaryBirds i think·8/13/2024in GeneralWhich antagonist do you prefer, based on the countries they live/born in?Queen of hearts (Alice in Wonderland) - 🇬🇧Çizer (Bad Cat) - Turkey 🇹🇷Horned King (The Black Cauldron) - 🏴Shan yu (Mulan) - Mongolia 🇲🇳Akaza (Demon Slayer) - Japan 🇯🇵Rasputin (Anastasia) - Russia 🇷🇺Vote22 Votes in PollShan YuQueen of Hearts (Disney)Horned King (Disney)Rasputin (Don Bluth)AkazaCartoonist
371841-DD·6/20/2024in GeneralOut of the 6, who would make the most dangerous Xenomorph?Harvesters (Independence Day)Akaza (Demon Slayer)Nemesis (Resident Evil)Morbius (Sony's Spider-Man Universe)Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)Alex Mercer (Prototype)Vote30 Votes in PollNemesis T-TypeXenomorphAlex MercerAkazaDavy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)HarvestersMichael Morbius (Sony's Spider-Man Universe)
Eye Lad·2/21/2024in GeneralWho is your favourite character voiced by Akira Ishida?Akaza (Kimetsu no Yaiba)Cancer Cell (Cells at Work!)Gabriel Miller (Sword Art Online)Joseph Gustav Newton (Terra Formars)Kaworu Nagisa (Evangelion)Zeref Dragneel (Fairy Tail)Vote24 Votes in PollZeref DragneelKaworu NagisaGabriel MillerAkazaCancer Cell (Cell at Work!)
371841-DD·12/6/2022in GeneralOut of the 6, who has the best combat skill?Akainu (One Piece)Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat)Sundowner (Metal Gear)Taskmaster (Marvel)Deadshot (DC)Akaza (Demon Slayer)Vote36 Votes in PollAkainuShang Tsung (Mortal Kombat)AkazaSundownerTaskmaster (Marvel)Deadshot (DC)
Hunterjp·7/13/2022in GeneralThis is my new favorite villains list(Edited by Hunterjp)Anti-PopsAkuKai ChisakiRob (The Amazing World of Gumball)DabiLe QuackAkazaLegs (The Simpsons)Bucky BuchananDr. Blakk
Spoopdy doo·5/14/2022in GeneralFavorite anime villains-And one video game villain who is here on technicality DabiWamuuAkaza
Gamma Venom 567·3/14/2022in GeneralFavorite demon slayer villains?MuzanKokushiboDoma AkazaDaki & gyutaroHantenguVote50 Votes in PollDoma (Demon Slayer)GyutaroMuzan KibutsujiKokushiboDakiHantenguAkaza