Personally, I would like a bit of clarification when it comes to certain villains who I have seen fall under either Affably or Faux-Affably Evil. Again, this is just a request for clarification since I’m not too certain about a couple who I’ve seen:
1. Why is Nolan Sorrento under Affably Evil? As somebody who both read the book and watched the movie, I can acknowledge how he didn’t instantly resort to violence when it came to dealing with Wade at first but I just kind of felt like he crossed too many lines to remain AE (maybe not far enough to go to FAE but enough to fall out of AE), such as how he blew up Wade’s tower or having Daito murdered and his death covered up. Or is that not crossing the line enough? If that’s the case I can just be told that but I wanted to bring this up.
2. And why is Albert Contiello Faux-Affably Evil? I’m not gonna try to argue that he isn’t Pure Evil, trust me, but he really truly doesn’t try to fake any kindness or even try to hide his motivations from Nick when he captures him. The most we get to that is when Albert tells Nick to lie back down when the latter wakes up and hardly tries to stop him from getting up in the first place, and when Nick confronts him about what he’s doing, Albert makes his intentions very clear and just gets straight to the point- he isn’t trying to hide anything. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t downgrade Albert’s evil and I suppose what he does on his own, with the organ thefts and all that stuff is bad enough to be Pure Evil even in a zombie series but I don’t see him being Faux-Affably Evil. Was it the tone in which he spoke to Nick? Or is it the logic that being Pure Evil automatically puts a villain under FAE since they definitely aren’t AE? Just asking for clarification.