Cliff1647·9/17/2024in Fun and GamesWho wins this fight?Attuma (Marvel)M. Bison (Street Fighter)Vote33 Votes in PollM. Bison (Street Fighter)Attuma
Cliff1647·5/6/2024in Fun and GamesHe would you rate this team of villains I came up with? 1-10.Megatron (Transformers)Atrocitus (DC)Urien (Street Fighter)Kazuya Mishima (Tekken)Attuma (Marvel)Eon (Ben 10)Note: You can make a team of villains as well. I’m curious to see what you would come up with.MegatronEonAtrocitus (DC)Kazuya Mishima (Tekken)AttumaUrien
Cliff1647·11/25/2023in Questions and AnswersWhat are your thoughts on this villain?Attuma (Marvel)AttumaAttuma (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Attuma (2010 Marvel Animated Universe)
CGodzilla·6/7/2023in GeneralKing Shark Vs AttumaKing Shark (DC)AttumaAttuma (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
CGodzilla·11/8/2022in GeneralWho are you excited to see in Black Panther 2NamorAttumaDr. Doom (Because Romours)All of themVote46 Votes in PollDoctor DoomNamor McKenzieAttuma