80 Votes in Poll
80 Votes in Poll
72 Votes in Poll
54 Votes in Poll
The voice of Miss Hattie!
The voice of Android 19!
The voices of Mandy, Azula, Ming-Hua, Vicky, Eizzil, Beatrice, Ice Queen and Lucretia!
What is your favorite Grey DeLisle’s voice role for a villain?
Mine is Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Must be villains (or how you see certain characters)
No gods/omnipotent deities like Bill Cipher or Hades BUT your members can have psychic or magic abilities but nothing too OP
Giant monsters are okay
You can add a quote to each member if you want
And must have around six to eight members
Here’s mine:
.Mewtwo (Pokémon)
“Humans and Pokémon can never be friends!” (Mewtwo)
.Bowser (Super Mario)
“You really thought you could stop me?! You worthless, weak little nothing! COME OUT AND FIGHT! Or are you too scared?!…Hehe, just what I thought.” (Bowser)
.Chick Hicks (Cars)
“First one to California gets Dinoco all for himself.” (Chick Hicks)
.Cassandra (Tangled)
“I tried to warn you, Rapunzel. You have to be careful who you trust.” (Cassandra)
.Tohru Adachi (Persona 4)
“You think you’re some great hero? You’re just kids playing in the dirt!” (Adachi)
.Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
“Uh, your friend just said that, genius. And since you can’t see, I should tell you, I’m rolling my eyes.” (Azula)
.Scorpios Rex (Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous) (Note: It would have to be heavily tamed in order for it to be under control)
“The Scorpios rex's mind has turned out to be as fragmented and unpredictable as its body.” (Dr. Henry Wu about it.)
.Spider-Man 2099 (Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse)
46 Votes in Poll
The voices of Azula, Vicky, Mandy, Ming-Hua, Eizzil, Beatrice and Ice Queen!
63 Votes in Poll
41 Votes in Poll
49 Votes in Poll
127 Votes in Poll
My example: Tighten from Megamind and Elliot Rodger.
Both were down on their luck underdogs who have been rejected by women causing them to turn violent and aggressive. They were both narcissistic and entitled, believing that women owned them their affection, they refused to look of what was inside of them that made them be rejected in the first place as they already saw themselves as the good guy, they blamed every else for their misdeeds when in reality they brought their misery on themselves. When they let out their anger, they caused destruction wherever they'd go.
90 Votes in Poll