29 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
Ok I know that this isn't really about Boscha but thank you for addressing that Amity was a bully earlier in the series. Don't get me wrong I love Amity and I support her relationship with Luz, but I just find it hard to look back at Amity's character before her development especially when she called Luz a bully for unintentionally embarrassing her, despite everything she did to Luz. I was kind of bothered by the hypocrisy there, and what some may call "moral myopia." I have to admit it's worth noting how Boscha turned Amity into a mean girl but don't forget the Blight family also had a hand in turning amity into who she was before Luz came. By the way this might be frowned upon but can you guys do a villain's page on Amity? I know she's redeemed now but she did do some hostile and antagonistic things in her first few appearances and mention how she changed.