59 Votes in Poll
59 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
214 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
32 Votes in Poll
69 Votes in Poll
When Chernabog threw a party in Fantasia...
When Dodge came back to pick up her keys in Locke & Key...
When Vaatu tried to avenge 10 long millennia of unlawful imprisonment and help Unalaq lovingly unite spirits in The Legend of Korra...
When the septet bonded with Dr. Sivana over being sick of staff-toting Korath's BS in Shazam...
When the Smiley Men tried to help Illyana Code Yellow in The New Mutants...
When Gary tried to ensure Flash didn't live to destroy the Snyderverse in his solo film...
Everyone called them evil.
I can see why demons don't like humans that much.
72 Votes in Poll
82 Votes in Poll
Why isn’t Chernabog Pure Evil? I’m not trying to make PE Proposal, I’m just asking why he isn’t Pure Evil