Ordenary meme guy·6/2/2024in GeneralWhat villain you think will be the Guardian of the Baudelaire orphans? Part 2Gaston and LefouJudge Claude FrolloUrsulaCaptain HookJafar and Cruella De-VilAll of themVote23 Votes in PollCouncil of Disney VillainsCruella De Vil (Disney)Judge Claude FrolloGaston LeGume (Disney)Ursula (Disney)James Hook (Disney)JafarLeFou (Disney)
WowVerySurprising·2/27/2023in Fun and GamesI made a memeI did this because I was bored(Edited by WowVerySurprising)Council of Disney Villains
WowVerySurprising·2/13/2023in Questions and AnswersWhich Disney villain had the most gruesome death?Turbo (Perished by the Diet Cola Mountain beacon)Clayton (Hanged by vines)Dr. Facilier (Dragged down to hell)Frollo (Falls into lava)Maleficent (Stabbed in the heart)Evil Queen (Crushed by a boulder and eaten)Vote123 Votes in PollCouncil of Disney Villains
Harrisol10·5/4/2020in Pure Evil DiscussionWho do you think is the good Disney Villain to defeat Woody?Stinky Pete Syndrome Maleficent Ursula ScarCruella De VilVote64 Votes in PollCouncil of Disney Villains
TerkTheGorillaNL·8/15/2019in GeneralWhich is more evil?ClaytonScarVote107 Votes in PollCouncil of Disney Villains