I'll start; Darth Vader, Karl Heisenberg, Dabi.
47 Votes in Poll
47 Votes in Poll
35 Votes in Poll
I'll start; Darth Vader, Karl Heisenberg, Dabi.
33 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll
35 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
(Deku and class 1a and all might fellows them)
All Might: I’ve spoke to some pro heroes as you requested
Deku: Excellent to the airport
(Hugo Strange arrives at the airport and gets off of his truck and grabs the money and runs and was going to escape in the plane but the League of villains stop him)
Tomura: Bailing out the resort business Hugo?
Hugo Strange: Tomura!... I swear it was the wrong tape!!
Tomura: You're telling me? come on Hugo time to fly the unfriendly skys
(Twice And Dabi Grabs a horrified Strange on the plane)
(Spinner drives the plane and flys and deku gets in the plane under And Spinner puts the plane into Auto pilot mode While Dabi and Twice are holding Strange hostage As Strange muffled when Dabi is covering his mouth And mustard and toga are Drinking)
Tomura: Why Hugo? Why didn’t you tell us about your fear of flying?
Hugo Strange: Tomura please! I was set up! The one for All Users is Nana!
Dabi: That’s Absurd! You killed her if she’s the one for all users then I’m the king of England
Tomura: And people says that I’m crazy! Say is it hot in here or isn’t just me Dabi Twice open that door so we can get a breeze
Dabi: Good idea
Hugo Strange: Noooo!!!!
(Dabi And Twice prepares to push a terrified Hugo Strange off the plane As Mustard And Himiko Toga and the others sadistically watch)
Deku outside of the plane removes the wires of the gas and Dabi and Twice opens the door to push Strange)
Tomura: Remember it’s not the fall it’s the sudden stop
(Suddenly the plane’s engine stops working and spinner and tomura checks the gas is out)
Tomura: you forgot the gas haven’t you
spinner: it did had a lot of gas
(Deku use his whip to stop the plane from crashing As it lands safely)
(Deku Uses his Whip to capture Tomura As Strange and the villains come out)
Deku: Stay where you are
(Dabi And Twice push Strange out and they threaten deku)
Mustard: You may notice Deku that we have the guns and Quirks
(Class 1A and Class 1B stops and the police arrived)
Twice oh well the Prison is nice this year They are all handcuffed And are taken away from the cops)
Naomasa: My men told me about midnight’s past
Deku: her past self was a long time ago she’d had nothing to fear from the truth
Hugo Strange: But you do Deku soon the whole world will know about the users You Created that tape in the theater by imagining me saying those lies! But the tape of your thoughts is the truth! I know your secret!
(A pro hero uses clone of nana)
Clone nana: what Secret is that?
Hugo Strange: No! It is impossible!
Deku: Strange I knew from the start that your machine can read mind that why I’ve asked nana to help us exposed you
Clone Nana: And I was glad to help midnight is still a hero
Naomasa: Let’s go you got lots of time to think about it in prison
(He takes Strange To the police to take him in prison)
(Deku and the others tied up in the room)
All might and Class 1A:we’re so sorry we were not able to resist
Deku: don’t worry this all going As we planned
(In the auction fir the tape the league of villains are sitting)
Hugo Strange: first I would like to thank you for coming all this way
Dabi: Get to the Point!!
(Strange Clears his throat)
Hugo Strange: very well I have here incontestable Proof of The one for all users Now ladies and Gentlemen how much have I bid?
All might: does Strange knows Proof about your powers of the one for all users?
Deku: I’m afraid so (Deku gets a pick lock to free himself and the others)
Dabi: 5 hundred thousand
Mustard poof! Just thousand? I’ll bid a million! Himiko Toga me to I’ll bid to!
Dabi And Tomura: 2million!
Hugo Strange: I have 2 million do I hear 3?
Magne: wait Just a minute let us talk for a while do you know what we should share by using all of our money Twice: not a bad idea! Tomura: well okay
85 million 200 and forty thousand 685 dollars and 53 cents
Hugo Strange: Sold!!
(His minions come with a video box to play the tape)
Hugo Strange: And now I gave you The identities of the One for all users and after the show you shall meet It’s user and Stars (Strange puts in the tape and plays it in the Control room Deku and all might and class 1A are looking from on top)
Mr. compress Focus! Focus! Focus!!
(Deku has another Video box And connects it to the other box down in the Theater)
(Beep 1 2 3)
(Instead of showing the users it instead shows Hugo in in his lab telling his men)
Hugo Strange in the tape: It’s a perfect plan with this machine I can imagine the one for all users to be anyone I choose And these League of Fools will pay a fortune for it!
(strange quickly turns off the projector and takes the tape off)
Hugo Strange: Wait!! It’s not the right Tape!!
(The League of villains Are Enraged for what they saw and mustard shoots the original tape)
Mustard: Fellow villains we’ve been Had!
Muscular: I’m gonna use your head for a bowling ball Strange!
Himiko Toga and I’m going to drink your blood with a straw!
Dabi: Get Him!!!
(They attack him and grab their weapons Strange grabs some the cash)
Hugo Strange: I’ve should have known Better than to deal with the likes of you!
(Strange bails and the villains attack his men and shoots And Strange runs out of the theater and gets in his truck and the Enraged villains runs after him But Strange Drives away but they get in his limo And drives after him)
Hugo Strange: I am speaking i trust Is Tomura Shigaraki? Your Number was not easy to find this is Doctor Hugo Strange I’m arranging an auction for an item You find most quite interesting
(Strange leaves to his car with his minions)
(Deku And Shoto And Bakugo enters Strange’s room to his machine and plays the tape that shows the childhood of Midnight that she used to be a Vigilante)
Deku: So it can see thoughts
(Deku checks for his tape but it’s Missing)
(Mean while in the Airport Tomura and Dabi And Himiko Toga And Twice And spinner and Mr compress And a revived Magne and Mustard and muscular and moon Fish arrives) And Snap welcomes them and Numbers grabs thier luggages)
Numbers: Hey! what’s in this one?
Twice: just want the Doctor ordered!
(In the resort Normal All might and Class 1A Are cleaning a car And they see the League of villains come out of the limo)
Ochako: It’s them!
(Normal All might talks to Deku on the phone) Deku! Shoto Bakugo you all must get out of there immediately!
Deku: almost through Has strange come back? (They all started to Deleting the Tapes) Normal All might: I believe there’s much worse than that
(They watch Numbers pulling the luggage out and accidentally dropped the heavy luggage and revealing to be a bunch of cash And Spinner Yells at him)
Spinner:Hey! Bucko! I’d be a little more carefully with the luggage if I were you otherwise you might lose your nose not to mention your head!
Numbers: Yes sir! mr Spinner sir!
Spinner: It’s so hard to find good help these days
Mustard How True How True
(They all get inside the resort)
Normal All Might: The league of villains has just arrived with large cases of cash
Deku: So that’s it Strange isn’t planning to blackmail us he’s going to auction our tape! tape?! We’ll explain later keep us informed (Deku Plays a new tape and gets in the machine and Shoto and Bakugo watch’s the Screen he’s imagining
All might and class 1A tires to go but strange was behind them and they gasped)
Hugo Strange: You are all Deku and Shoto and Bakugo’s friends are you not?
All might and Class 1A: yes
Hugo Strange: Most excellent
(One of strange minions use knockout gas on them ad pass out
Deku gets out of the machine and Bakugo is laughing)
Bakugo: this will show the look on their faces!! When they see it!
Shoto: yes we will see how
Deku: Yes (he takes out the tape and puts it in his pocket and they destroy the machine And fire comes out Strange and his minions comes in and grab them)
Hugo Strange: Remove them!
Hugo Strange: It took me years to build tha device! But no matter you where perhaps looking for this? Your friends told us that you would be here it took a douse of sodium pentathol to persuade them to talk they really loyal to you you are really remarkable students or should I say heroes and with tragic childhood take them away!
46 Votes in Poll
49 Votes in Poll
51 Votes in Poll
72 Votes in Poll