Every time someone edits the nihilus or traya page to say that the nihilus is the main antagonist. I do not know if any person who edited the game but would like to make it clear why the traya is the primary and the nihilus is secondary. Nihilus is the member of the triumvirate who has less role in the plot, despite having the best designer, having the greatest feat and clearly being the biggest threat he hardly appears in the plot, if it were to have a main antagonist other than the traya it would be the darth sion chasing the exile the whole game.another factor is that the traya was responsible for everything that happened before and what could happen during the game, she planned the Jedi purge and she was using the protagonist for her plans that would cause the destruction of the force. And finally, I will mention the nihilus' involvement in the plot. His apprentice tracked the exile, he orchestrated the onderon civil war and tried to attack telos (by manipulating the darth traya). These involvement does not compare with the involvement of Sion (who hunted us the whole game) and the traya (who manipulated us the whole game)