XShadowDuelistX·10/18/2024in GeneralFav Dochebag 🤩🤢Sentinel Prime Adam Big Jack HornerDr. Robotnik JafarDonquixote DoflamingoVote78 Votes in PollJafar (Disney)Dr. Ivo Robotnik (Sonic Cinematic Universe)Big Jack HornerDonquixote DoflamingoAdam (Hellaverse)Sentinel Prime (Transformers One)
371841-DD·10/2/2024in GeneralOut of the 6, who's the biggest scum bag?Sentinel Prime (Transformers One)Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)Dio Brando (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)Doflamingo (One Piece)Judge Holden (Blood Meridian)Utrom Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)Vote68 Votes in PollEmperor Palpatine (Star Wars)Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)Utrom ShredderJudge HoldenDonquixote DoflamingoSentinel Prime (Transformers One)
371841-DD·4/28/2024in GeneralOut of the 6, who would you play Devil's Advocate for?Dio Brando (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen)Ultron (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Doflamingo (One Piece)Madara (Naruto)Frieza (Dragon Ball)Vote28 Votes in PollFrieza (Dragon Ball)Ultron (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)Ryomen SukunaMadara UchihaDonquixote Doflamingo
DoctorEvil45·4/25/2024in GeneralWhich villain has commited the most crimes?For me Is either Judge Holden or Doflamingo Judge HoldenDonquixote Doflamingo
DoctorEvil45·4/15/2024in GeneralBest Villain accessory CardsSimple Hooded RobeCowboy HatCool MaskEvil looking ringsGlassesVote60 Votes in Poll(Edited by DoctorEvil45)Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)Joker (Nolanverse)GhostfaceSauron (Middle-earth)Cad BaneDonquixote Doflamingo
DoctorEvil45·3/23/2024in GeneralBest Powers for VillainsFireLightning CorruptionGenius Level of Intelligence Creation of evil creatures out of thin airControl out of there opponents free willVote59 Votes in Poll(Edited by DoctorEvil45)Bill CipherMorgothDonquixote DoflamingoOzai
371841-DD·1/21/2024in GeneralOut of the 6, who has the best combat skill?King Piccolo (Dragon Ball)Akuma (Street Fighter)Obito Uchiha (Naruto)Sukuna (Jujustsu Kaisen)DIO (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)Doflamingo (One Piece)Vote39 Votes in PollDio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)Ryomen SukunaAkuma (Street Fighter)Obito UchihaKing Piccolo (Dragon Ball)Donquixote Doflamingo
TheAverageForumUser·9/9/2023in GeneralVS.Donquixote DoflamingoGeorge Sears Vote17 Votes in Poll(Edited by TheAverageForumUser)Donquixote DoflamingoSolidus Snake
Ultimatevaltryek456·7/23/2023in GeneralWho is more EvilDonquixote DoflamingoDio Brando (Canon only)Vote43 Votes in PollDio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)Donquixote Doflamingo