I made this wonderful post for him with all of his different characters, well some of them aren't even villains but are heroes and grey-zoned characters. But this is something i would like to share.
I made this wonderful post for him with all of his different characters, well some of them aren't even villains but are heroes and grey-zoned characters. But this is something i would like to share.
For example
Newtralizer Tmnt 2012
Nokt Ninjago
Nihilus Star Wars
Neo Cortex crash bandicoot
Nightmare animatronics five nights at Freddy’s
43 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
1. Dr. Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)
2. Ripto (Spyro)
3. Penelope Patterson (Kick Buttowski)
32 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
102 Votes in Poll