HandyAlligator·9/8/2021in GeneralWho's your favorite RWBY villain (part 2)Dr. Arthur wattsTyrian callowsMercury black Emerald sustraiHazel rainartgrimmVote35 Votes in Poll(Edited by HandyAlligator)Arthur Watts (RWBY)Emerald Sustrai (RWBY)Mercury Black (RWBY)Tyrian CallowsHazel RainartGrimm (RWBY)
Cullenethan873·5/19/2021in GeneralWhich RWBY antagonist is your favoritesalemcinder fallAdam taurusneopolitanroman torchwickemerald sustrai and mercury blackVote24 Votes in Poll(Edited by Cullenethan873)Salem (RWBY)Emerald Sustrai (RWBY)Cinder Fall (RWBY)Adam TaurusRoman Torchwick (RWBY)Neopolitan (RWBY)Mercury Black (RWBY)
Cullenethan873·5/7/2021in GeneralWhich villain had the best redemption arc part 2emerald sustrai (rwby)Loki (mcu)vegeta (dragon ball)starlight glimmer (my little pony)t-800 (terminator franchise)gaara (naruto)Vote64 Votes in PollLoki Laufeyson (Marvel Cinematic Universe)T-800 (The Terminator)Starlight GlimmerVegeta (Dragon Ball)GaaraEmerald Sustrai (RWBY)