How would you infuse parts of Belos into Chrysalis?
Personally, I'd say Belos hates witches just as much as Chrysalis hates ponies. If the Boiling Isles is a perdition to Belos, then Equestria is a perdition to Chrysalis. And Belos's death is perfect for Chrysalis as well considering how manipulative they were. They're only really similar at the end of their respective shows but point's still there.
For extra credit, here's some random CM Description I wrote on my version of Chrysalis if I ever time travelled to rewrite MLP:
Queen Chrysalis was once a rogue Pegasus named Spring Heart who betrayed The Four Founders of Equestria to Discord just to avenge her wounded ego over being banished from Cloudsdale, and became the Queen of the Changelings in the aftermath. Placing and enslaving Shining Armor under an 11 month spell and conceiving Princess Nova in the process, Chrysalis teams up with Jewelius to attack Canterlot using the wedding. Chrysalis kidnaps and occassionally massacres anyone for even trying to question her, sending prisoners into "The Hive", where their spirits are broken through torture before being thrown into a pit of starved Changelings to be eaten alive. When losing her kingdom to her own son Thorax, who she tried to eat alive for his love for "high treason", Chrysalis impales her own daughter to prevent her from redeeming herself. Losing nearly everything, she horrifically abuses her daughter and having fun ordering the mass murders of multiple ponies to hide growing disharmony to allow the Wendigoes to return. After betraying Grogar, Chrysalis starts her final rampage by possessing his body to achieve her genocide of ponies, before trying to kill them all, murdering King Thorax, and planning to use the threat of the Windigoes to save them from them so that they would gratefully do what she says, before trying to assimilate her redeemed daughter when being removed from Grogar's heart to her demise.