Ways on how Ball of Revenge can be fixed and written better? since I felt this episode had potential,but was wasted and it felt like a complete mess due to the amount of torture and pain towards Courage due to the dodgeball game,Eustace's character derailment by amping up his mistreatment towards Courage and jerkishness to full infinity here and admitting his hatred for him,which is just so extremely harsh and hurtful towards Courage,even counting the past times he’s saved his life before(I know there are a couple of episode where Eustace was the main antagonist,but this is just taking things way too far) ,and the poor villian choices here,and since some of them weren't after Courage or ones that Eustace didn't know. Give me some ideas and Ways on how Ball of Revenge can be fixed and written better as a episode with better villain choices,have Courage round up some allies to help him fight against his enemies,and instead of Eustace being the main villian,have his mom,Ma Bagge be the villian instead and have her manipulate Eustace into doing it instead of doing it on this own account by rounding up the baddies and get rid of Courage,while giving him some kind of redemption arc and not ruin his redeeming traits and damage his character,along with the ghost of Horst Bagge summoned as one of Courage’s Allies and even talk and console with his brother to show that he does love him deep down.