Gaston: there you are, Beast. did you honestly think that Belle want you when she had someone like me!?
Belle:no, Gaston, Don't!
Beast: Grrrrr!
(Beast grab Gaston by the throat)
Gaston:(choke)Okay, fine. you win but please don't hurt me! I'll do anything!
Beast:get out of my castle now!
Beast:Belle,you came back.
Belle:of course I came back. I don't wanna leave you again
(Gaston shoot the Beast with a gun and throw a knife on the Beast's back)
Gaston: Die,Beast,Die.
Beast:Belle, I'm afraid it's my turn to leave but at least I got to see you one last.
Belle:No! please,don't leave me,please! I love you.
(the Beast died)
Gaston: yes! I did It!
Gaston: Lets go back to the village. and you are going to marry me.
Belle:How many times do I have to tell you! I am never going to marry you! You are going to pay for this, Gaston.
Gaston: What do you mean, Belle?
Belle: I am about to turn into a beast.
(Full moon appears)
(magic spark over Belle)
(Belle's hands turned into claws)
(Belle's feet turned into claws)
(Belle's teeth turn into fangs)
(Belle's body grow hair)
(Belle torn and ripped her dress)
(Belle's nose grew whiskers)
(Belle's ears turn into animal ears)
(Belle grew horns)
(Belle's eyes turn yellow)
(Belle grew antlers)
(the Beast's soul intertwines Belle's soul)
(Belle turn into the beast)
Gaston: are you okay, Belle?
Belle: (Roar) Go away!
(Gaston screams and runs away)
(Belle the beast chase Gaston)
Gaston: I can't believe I have to regret this.
(Gaston leave the castle)