Crystal Vulptex·11/25/2024in GeneralSméagol/ Gollum: Villian or not?Gollum only is evilHe's lost to the Rings powerBoth evilVote27 Votes in PollGollum
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Anatoliyson88·9/2/2023in GeneralWho is the most insane among them?The Joker (DCEU)Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3)Gollum (Lord of the rings)The Mask (The Mask Franchise)Thanos (MCU)The Governor (TWD Franchise)Vote134 Votes in PollThanos (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Joker (DC)Vaas MontenegroThe MaskGollumThe Governor
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Scarlet Khan·11/26/2022in GeneralWhich fantasy franchise do you prefer?Middle-earthHarry PotterVote92 Votes in Poll(Edited by Scarlet Khan)Lord VoldemortDraco MalfoyDolores UmbridgeSeverus SnapeGollumMorgoth (Middle-earth)Sauron (Middle-earth)Orcs (Middle-earth)Saruman (Middle-earth)Shelob
TenyaG·10/17/2021in GeneralWhich villain do you like?: 46Kraid Akuma (Street Fighter)Randolph & Mortimer Duke Hellen Gravely Gollum SCP-610 Vote89 Votes in Poll(Edited by TenyaG)GollumAkuma (Street Fighter)KraidRandolph & Mortimer DukeSCP-610Hellen Gravely
Input nutria·3/30/2021in GeneralWho would win in a fight?gollumstripeVote39 Votes in Poll(Edited by Input nutria)GollumStripe (Gremlins)