Scarlet Khan·10/26/2024in GeneralWhich serial killer is more terrifying?John Doe (Se7en)Johan Liebert (Monster)Vote51 Votes in PollJohn Doe (Se7en)Johan Liebert
LlamaLandlord27·8/1/2024in GeneralOf the names listed here, who's your favourite Pure Evil villain motivated by one of the seven sins?Albert ContielloIagoJoffrey Baratheon Judge HoldenAresJohn DoeVote37 Votes in PollAlbert ContielloJohn Doe (Se7en)Joffrey BaratheonIago (Othello)Ares (God of War)Judge Holden
JakeTheSnake0451·1/19/2024in GeneralDid Theodore "Victor" Allen deserve to die?Yes, he's an unapologetic drug-dealing pedophile.Yes, but not in the way that he did die.No, but he DID deserve life in prison.No, he's a human being; anyone can change.I just wanna see the votes...Vote40 Votes in PollJohn Doe (Se7en)Theodore Victor Allen
Scarlet Khan·9/11/2023in GeneralWho is more well-written?John Doe (Se7en)Clyde Shelton (Law Abiding Citizen)Vote34 Votes in PollJohn Doe (Se7en)Clyde Shelton
Scarlet Khan·6/22/2023in GeneralWhich serial killer do you prefer?Patrick BatemanJohn DoeVote52 Votes in PollPatrick BatemanJohn Doe (Se7en)
Appsc08·5/4/2023in GeneralWhat John Doe do you prefer?Se7enTelltaleBoth Of ThemDon’t KnowVote43 Votes in PollJohn Doe (Se7en)Joker (Telltale)
Joaco34215·7/31/2021in GeneralWho is the best?John Doe (Se7en)Anton ChigurhVote47 Votes in PollJohn Doe (Se7en)Anton Chigurh
TRAGADOME·6/10/2021in GeneralWhich villain is smarter?Hannibal Lecter John DoeJohn Kramer/JigsawHans GruberHal-9000Emperor PalpatineVote102 Votes in PollEmperor Palpatine (Star Wars)John Doe (Se7en)John KramerHAL 9000Hannibal Lecter (original)Hans Gruber