44 Votes in Poll
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82 Votes in Poll
Plenty of articles on this website have audio files linked to quotes. How exactly do you manage to put these quotes on the files.
111 Votes in Poll
Why are the under the Chaotic Evil alignment?
Chaotic Evil alignment, also known as the "Destroyer" alignment consists of evildoers are violently opposed to any limitations to their own personal freedom and often champion the downfall of society or morality. Chaotic Evil villains often fall under the "Destroyer" or "Demonic" alignment. The neutral (and less evil) counterpart of Chaotic Evil is Chaotic Neutral, while their complete opposite is Lawful Good, with the morality opposite being Chaotic Good and the law/chaos opposite being Lawful Evil.
Characters of this alignment tend to have very little to no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel; they set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have any regard for the lives or freedom of other people. They do not work well in groups, as they resent being given orders and usually behave themselves either out of fear of greater powers that bind them or in order to achieve their goals. However, this does NOT mean every Chaotic Evil character will mindlessly destroy, but if the opportunity arises for them to cause mischief or harm to others while still furthering their own goals (which are normally personal enjoyment), they will not hesitate to act on it.
For Koba, I kinda understand because in the end he only cared about murdering his enemies, but even then he tried to enforce his own rules on his loyalists. He sounds more like Neutral or Lawful Evil to me.
Safin plans to commit mass genocide in order to create world where he can rule over humanity with Heracles, creating his perfect society. That kinda sounds Lawful Evil to me.
Mendendez just wanted revenge for the death of his sister against the USA. I never really caught the sense that he did it out of pure sadism. He was only sadistic to those who wronged him.
Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) is only shown to be sadistic when tormenting James Bond. Other than that he feels more like a megalomaniac who just wants world domination.
Makarov never gives me the impression that he caused WWIII just for the fun of it. In fact, I never really saw Makarov smiling sadistically whenever he did his crimes, only when he tormented Price over the deaths of his teammates.
Aren't Chaotic Evil characters supposed to be purely motivated by sadism and having shit ton of fun whenever committing their atroicities? These characters only showed it when they have been wronged in their POV and most of it just stemmed as a secondary trait and not the goal.
110 Votes in Poll
76 Votes in Poll
My example: Tighten from Megamind and Elliot Rodger.
Both were down on their luck underdogs who have been rejected by women causing them to turn violent and aggressive. They were both narcissistic and entitled, believing that women owned them their affection, they refused to look of what was inside of them that made them be rejected in the first place as they already saw themselves as the good guy, they blamed every else for their misdeeds when in reality they brought their misery on themselves. When they let out their anger, they caused destruction wherever they'd go.
I noticed that AAARRRGGHH!!! was deleted, even though he used to be a villain. The reason for deletion is being pure good. Android 16 is also pure good, yet he also used to be a villain and has an article here.
I noticed that the reason that AAARRRGGHH!!! was deleted is because "I don't feel this page belongs given his status as a Pure Good even if he was once a villain By that logic Koba should be on the heroes wiki."
I really think Koba is not a good comparison, since I think he should not be in heroes wiki, not because of pure evil, but because he did not do anything heroic. To me, he used to be either more neutral before becoming a villain, or he is already evil, but he later showed his true nature. I remembered he killed another villain out of revenge, but this is likely "Evil vs Evil" or "Neutral vs Evil", which to me is nothing heroic.
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