Thoughts on this villain
Micheal Myers
24 Votes in Poll
You can pick more than one my favorites are Michael Myers and Chucky. Michael Myers because he is cool simple yet pure evil and Chucky for being funny yet still being a threat.
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“His eyes will deceive you; they will destroy you. They will take from you your innocence, your pride, and eventually your soul. These eyes do not see what you and I see. Behind these eyes one finds only blackness, the absence of light. These are the eyes of a psychopath.”
Friday The 13th and Evil Dead getting and having there own game. Why not Halloween getting own game of franchise very own? Imagine Michael Myers finally getting his own game (besides being guest character in Ghost and Dead by Daylight). Imagine Halloween game being a first person horror survival and having a story mode. Taking place game-in universe separation from movies timeline. you’re got play survivors and Myers himself. Composer for game done by Michel F. April (who did Dead by Daylight). Halloween features multiplayer, Michael House to explore as Myers and Customizing costumes.
But you're favorite villain in the comments
65 Votes in Poll