Shredder 18·2/3/2025in GeneralHappy 30th Birthday to Kellen Goff! 🎂Kai ChisakiDiavolo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)Funtime Freddy and Bon-BonMoon (Five Nights at Freddy's)ZagredTechno-PirateFather SpiderRekka Hoshimiya
Trijosh2001·7/20/2024in GeneralHAPPY NATIONAL MOON DAY!🌕🌘🌙KokushiboThe Core (Amphibia)Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's)Nightmare MoonCatNap
Eleeysium·12/29/2023in Questions and AnswersWhat end of year PE Proposal/Removal surprised you the most?John Ratcliffe - Re-ProposalMoondrop - ProposalVecna - RemovalFrank/Dimitri - Re-ProposalsQueen Grimhilde - Re-ProposalOther (comment below)Vote57 Votes in PollKoba (Planet of the Apes)Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's)Vecna (Stranger Things)Queen GrimhildeJohn Ratcliffe (Disney)
KoshaVinka·1/1/2022in GeneralYou're an Employer and you interviewed these 6, who gets the Job?Tom (WARNING: Will get drunk and kill mall santas)SPAMTON G. SPAMTON (WARNING: Obsessed with clams)Dan Mandel (WARNING: Seeks revenge over anything)Percival C. McLeach (WARNING: Australian)Damian Beelzly (WARNING: father is the Devil)Daycare Attendant (WARNING: Moon not good w/ kids)Vote60 Votes in Poll(Edited by KoshaVinka)Dan MandelTom (Eddsworld)Percival C. McLeachSpamton G. SpamtonDamian BeelzlyMoon (Five Nights at Freddy's)