For example
Newtralizer Tmnt 2012
Nokt Ninjago
Nihilus Star Wars
Neo Cortex crash bandicoot
Nightmare animatronics five nights at Freddy’s
For example
Newtralizer Tmnt 2012
Nokt Ninjago
Nihilus Star Wars
Neo Cortex crash bandicoot
Nightmare animatronics five nights at Freddy’s
"This time, the terror has followed you home."
Today is the day where the "final chapter" was released. I like how you had to defend yourself from Nightmare Animatronics, but this time, you're in a house, playing as a child.
We were then introduced to Nightmare Fredbear, Plushtrap and Nightmare.
I even enjoyed the Halloween version.
And say hello to the infamous "Bite of '83", not '87, which is a pretty f'ed up thing Michael did.
Speaking of Michael, we're actually playing as him. Either he's having nightmares of him as a child being haunted by his sins or Willaim made the nightmare animatronics as punishment.
Also, seeing him apologizing to the Crying Child at the hospital did shows he FULL regret what he did. Thus, making him go on the path to redemption.
Either way, this was a fantastic game I witnessed. And the reveal of who did the Bite of '83 did it amazing. Thank you, Scott Cawthon, for making this awesome 4th installment of FNAF.