Complete monster·5/15/2024in GeneralWhich dragon do you prefer?Smaug (Hobbit)Deathwing (Warcraft)Vote66 Votes in Poll(Edited by Complete monster)Smaug (Middle-earth)Deathwing (Warcraft)
Scarlet Khan·2/13/2024in GeneralWhich dragon do you prefer?Fáfnir (Norse mythology)Smaug (Middle-earth)Vote31 Votes in PollSmaug (Middle-earth)
Scarlet Khan·8/28/2023in GeneralWho is your favorite Middle-earth villain? (Excluding Sauron and Morgoth)SmaugSarumanGollumGlaurungThe Witch-king of AngmarFëanorVote47 Votes in PollSmaug (Middle-earth)GollumGlaurungSaruman (Middle-earth)Witch-king of Angmar (Middle-earth)Fëanor
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Scarlet Khan·9/9/2022in GeneralWho is your favorite Middle-earth dragon?SmaugGlaurungVote35 Votes in PollSmaug (Middle-earth)Glaurung
TenyaG·8/30/2021in GeneralWhich villain do you like?: 10CandymanMola RamNyarlathotep Smaug EsdeathMarshall D. TeachVote101 Votes in Poll(Edited by TenyaG)EsdeathSmaug (Middle-earth)Candyman (Candyman)Mola RamNyarlathotepMarshall D. Teach