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It is still under "spoilers" even though The Rise of Skywalker came out in December. Are we going to do anything about it?
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This page seems to be protected right now... and it has not been edited in months.
It is still under "spoilers" even though The Rise of Skywalker came out in December. Are we going to do anything about it?
These are just my personal thoughts on which villains should probably be purposed to be pure evil or not pure evil eventually. Maybe this will give some whitelisted users ideas; I don't know.
Villains who I think should be Approved to be Pure Evil
Solaris/Mephiles/Iblis from Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - A little surprised he has not been purposed yet. Out of all of the Sonic villains, Solaris is definitely the most evil since he pretty much wants to end everything in existence. He does cross the MEH several times in my opinion. Heck, he even does kill Sonic, which I do not think any other Sonic villain has been able to do successfully do. He has no redeeming qualities, and I think he would be a perfect candidate to be purposed to be pure evil.
Slender Man from Creepypasta - While there are many different versions of Slender Man and some may be more evil than other versions, I think Slender Man could possibly be a good candidate to be pure evil. Slender Man is a sadistic demon-like thing who has caused many horrible things to happen throughout the many years of his existence. He has killed children, caused torture and destruction, and many more. He pretty much crosses the MEH for me since he straight up killed children and has caused a lot of horrible events. Out of all the different versions of Slender Man, only one version of him has been approved to be pure evil and it kinda surprises me since they all kinda feel the same. So, yeah I think Slender Man should eventually be purposed to be pure evil.
Momo from Urban Legends - I am sure everyone has heard of Momo if they were on the internet in 2018. I also think Momo would probably be a good candidate to be purposed to be pure evil. She seems to enjoy tormenting her victims, similar to Slender Man, and she also has caused some horrible events to happen. Her actions cross the MEH for me since she has caused people to straight-up kill themselves, and that is a horrible thing. Momo should probably be purposed in my opinion.
Supreme Leader Snoke from Star Wars - I think Snoke would probably be a good candidate too since he is pretty much Palpatine in disguise or whatever. Snoke was responsible for those planets being blown up in the first movie, which probably killed billions of people who were innocent. This kinda crosses the MEH and it is much worse than what Tarkin did, where he only blew up a town, a base, and one planet. Snoke also did not really seem to treat Kylo well in my opinion since he was rather harsh to him after he failed to kill Rey and he also does have a moral agency. I think Snoke could possibly be a good candidate; but since Palpatine is controlling him (I think), I don't know if this would actually make him the best candidate.
General Pryde from Star Wars - I think Pryde is actually a better candidate than Snoke since I am just not a hundred percent if Snoke should count. Pryde is literally responsible for the destruction of Kijimi, which is about as heinous as Tarkin's crime of destroying a planet, but less heinous than Snoke and I guess Hux's crime of destroying multiple planets, but he did attempt to do wipe out other planets too. Pryde also seems to be pretty cold-blooded, he seems to hardly care about anyone else and he shows no remorse for his actions. Heck, he even seems to be fine with the actions he commits. While he is pretty evil, he does seem to be loyal toward Palpatine, but at the same time, you don't really know what he truly cared about him. He probably would be a good candidate in my opinion.
Villains who I think Should be Removed from the Pure Evil category
The King from Deltarune - One reason is that we do not really know much about the King yet; we have only seen him once throughout the entire game so far and we do not know if he acts the way he did all the time. We also only here about what he was like after the Knight came and it didn't really sound like he was doing anything evil until the Knight did show up. I think a proposal for the King should have waited until after the rest of Deltarune came out (unless he redeems or turns out to have a quality that does not make him pure evil) since we currently do not know all that much about him. Heck, he even seems to care about the Knight, a little more than Tarkin and Pryde with the Emperor in my opinion. Yeah, the King doesn't qualify to be pure evil in my opinion. Also, I do not know if this is important... but it doesn't look like anyone voted for the King to be pure evil or not on his proposal which I wonder how he even got approved because of it. Don't believe me? Take a look for yourself:
Lotso from Toy Story 3 - I am sorry for bringing this guy up. I know, a lot of people get mad about discussing this guy being pure evil or whatever and I think it probably is about as big of a debate as the one about Mysterio being pure evil and I am sorry if this does end up stirring something... but... I do not think he qualifies and I can explain. Lotso is too tragic in my opinion to even be considered pure evil; while his actions were pretty heinous, he did seem to somewhat care about the toys in his gang until the end of the movie. Plus, there are worse Pixar villains out there like Syndrome; while he may be somewhat tragic too, his backstory doesn't really give him the right to straight-up kill people. While I can agree that Lotso is the most evil Toy Story villain, I cannot agree that he is pure evil. I am sorry, but that is my opinion.
Those are villains who I think should be purposed to be pure evil and villains who I think should be removed. Do you guys have any villains that you agree with me with? Maybe you have different reasons for why they should be pure evil or not pure evil? Maybe you think someone else should be removed or purposed to be pure evil? You can always tell me.