82 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
38 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
Druig is a character in marvel comics being apart of the Etrenals he was the torturer and token evil teammate of the group unlike his mcu counterpart.
This is uranos from marvel comics he is one of the leaders of earth's etrenals and the great uncle of thanos. He is gonna play a big role in the crossover event judgement day. He first appeared in captain marvel #29 in 1973 but that was a clone his actual debut is what if #24 in 1980 he made his reappearance in the 2021 Etrenals series where he met his great nephew thanos. With a new design that makes him look like darkseid.
92 Votes in Poll
133 Votes in Poll
100 Votes in Poll