Sanicfan the Noscoper·4/15/2024in GeneralWhich type of Card-Carrying Villain do you like better?Rejecting Redemption because Evil is funThe Self-AwareThe Petty Racist TormentorSatan himselfVote47 Votes in PollVenom (Raimiverse)Stella (Hellaverse)The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)Big Jack Horner
Shyryan811·2/21/2024in Fun and Gameswho would you sell your soul to the snatcheralastorthe devil (cuphead show)craig the devilVote38 Votes in Poll(Edited by Shyryan811)Alastor (Hellaverse)The Devil (Cuphead)The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)Craig the Devil
Vtramp249·11/19/2023in GeneralThe better villain part 2:Hades vs The DevilHadesThe DevilVote71 Votes in PollHades (Disney)The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)
Pupperty123·9/11/2023in GeneralFavorite villain who calls trains Choo-choos?Heinz Doofenshmirtz (2nd Dimension)The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)Vote48 Votes in PollHeinz Doofenshmirtz (2nd Dimension)The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)
Pupperty123·1/2/2023in GeneralCutest while pretending to be a pet?Jacques von Hamsterviel The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)Vote39 Votes in PollThe Devil (The Cuphead Show!)Jacques von Hämsterviel
Pythorback22·9/10/2022in GeneralWhich Cuphead villain is more Insane?MugmanThe DevilVote72 Votes in PollThe Devil (The Cuphead Show!)
WillieFiveNights·9/11/2022in GeneralWhich of these The Cuphead Show! Villains is the best?The DevilHenchmanKing DiceCala MariaBaroness Bon BonThe Root PackVote44 Votes in Poll(Edited by WillieFiveNights)Abomination (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Twelve KizukiEsther ColemanThe Devil (The Cuphead Show!)King Dice (The Cuphead Show!)The Grabber (The Black Phone)Jean JacketSaul GoodmanGordyCala Maria (The Cuphead Show!)
Pupperty123·7/28/2022in GeneralMost flamboyant villain?Frank-N-FurterThe Devil (The Cuphead Show!)Vote41 Votes in PollFrank-N-Furter (The Rocky Horror Show)The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)
Pupperty123·6/15/2022in GeneralMost “over the top”?Dr. RobotnikThe Grinch (2000)Dr. Blowhole The Devil (The Cuphead Show)Karl (Madagascar) Dr. Hamsterviel Vote82 Votes in PollDr. Ivo Robotnik (Sonic Cinematic Universe)The Grinch (2000)The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)Karl (Madagascar)Dr. BlowholeJacques von Hämsterviel
Pupperty123·5/4/2022in Fun and GamesVillain with the fieriest temper.Hades (Hercules)The Devil (The Cuphead Show)Vote75 Votes in PollHades (Disney)The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)
Pupperty123·4/30/2022in Fun and GamesWhich is a better modern rubber-hose animated villain?Spinel The Devil (The Cuphead Show)Vote101 Votes in PollSpinelThe Devil (The Cuphead Show!)
Pupperty123·4/28/2022in Fun and GamesWhich Netflix villain is more flamboyant?Karl (All Hail King Julien)The Devil (The Cuphead Show)Vote56 Votes in PollThe Devil (The Cuphead Show!)Karl (Madagascar)
Deleon123·3/28/2022in GeneralWhich villains that deserve to be the headline ?The devil (Cuphead show !)Mr. burnsHawk mothGreen goblin (spider-Man films)Shredder (tmnt 2003)Creeper (jeepers creepers)Vote136 Votes in Poll(Edited by Deleon123)Utrom ShredderMr. Burns (original)Hawk Moth (original)Green Goblin (Raimiverse)Creeper (Jeepers Creepers)The Devil (The Cuphead Show!)