Juanpablochirrini·3/10/2024in GeneralWhich Real Ghostbusters Ghosts you want to see to appear in Ghostbusters Frozen Empire?BoogeymanGhashSamhainSandmanThe GrundelWatVote18 Votes in Poll(Edited by Juanpablochirrini)The GrundelBoogeyman (The Real Ghostbusters)Samhain (The Real Ghostbusters)Sandman (The Real Ghostbusters)GhashWat
Juanpablochirrini·3/9/2024in GeneralA fan did this fan art of the real ghostbusters ghosts as humans(Edited by Juanpablochirrini)Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (The Real Ghostbusters)The GrundelBoogeyman (The Real Ghostbusters)Samhain (The Real Ghostbusters)Sandman (The Real Ghostbusters)Ghash
Juanpablochirrini·2/10/2024in GeneralWhich Real Ghostbusters Ghosts you wished that returned in the Extreme Ghostbusters?Stay Puft Marshmallow ManBoogeymanWerechickenDevil DevlinSpectral GhostbustersSandmanVote16 Votes in Poll(Edited by Juanpablochirrini)Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (The Real Ghostbusters)Were-ChickenThe GrundelBoogeyman (The Real Ghostbusters)