Hey everyone, I have an idea for a new category for Villains Wikia. This category would be called Crossover Villain-in-Chief and it's influenced and based on the trope of the same name. So do you all think this category should be added to Villains Wikia or no?
Here’s a way more technologically advanced variant of Doctor Nefarious Tropy, even more so that the wicked doctor, as he has conquered many timelines due to his strategic intellect and tactical brilliance, as he believes that understanding an enemy's art, culture, history and philosophy is the key to victory. While Emperor Nefarious had a sharpened mind, ruthless personality, and relentlessly sought to defeat the enemy, he was almost perpetually cordial towards his own men and even towards his enemies, referring to his prisoners as guests.
Unlike the stereotypical evil dictators (such as Emperor Palpatine, Fire Lord Ozai, Grand Regent Thragg and Darkseid), Emperor Nefarious isn’t entirely evil as he has standards on basing his conquests on bloodshed and destruction, he isn’t that sadistic to erase all of existence, he is kinda like He Who Remains from Loki.
He is based on Kang the Conqueror from Marvel, while his personality is based on Grand Admiral Thrawn.
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Invinicble is a image comics superhero series and one of the most popular non marvel and dc superheroes So I am suprised you guys didn't add all of the Villains from Invincible and his shared universe I mean the dude and his allies had a lot of Villains So here is hoping you guys help me out on adding more Invincible Villains.