I'd guess someone like Trevor Philips, but I don't know for sure.
30 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
I'd guess someone like Trevor Philips, but I don't know for sure.
36 Votes in Poll
22 Votes in Poll
69 Votes in Poll
Here's just a few hypocritical things that Trevor does:
1) Starts massive shootouts just because someone makes fun of his Canadian accent, but then mocks Wei Cheng's accent and mimics Franklin's AAVE. Also makes fun of Nigel (a British tourist) for not being used to the cultural differences in America and even helps the Minutemen apprehend "illegal" immigrants
2) Ridicules Michael for being overweight, despite also eating/drinking nothing but junk food and alcohol
3) Hates Michael for betraying him, despite doing the same thing to The Lost MC and the Varrios Los Aztecas
4) Claims to not have an ego unlike Michael, but also insists that he is not a hypocrite (two strikes right there)
5) Hates it when people call him "motherf###er" yet calls people that many different times during the storyline
6) Mocks Steve Haines for using torture despite clearly enjoying it when forced to perform it on Mr. K
7) Rants about how Michael is a heartless snake despite Trevor's lifestyle revolving around violence and hurting people
22 Votes in Poll
While some were charmed by Trevor’s batshit nature and likeness to the most unhinged of Grand Theft Auto players, some felt Rockstar went overboard with his characterisation and pushed him a little too far into unlikeable douche territory with Grand Theft Auto 5. To be honest, many gamers call out various GTA protagonists for nabbing spots on their most hated protagonist lists but GTA 5's Trevor seems to be the most consistently controversial. At his best, players called him generally unrelatable and not particularly likeable, while players who truly hated him cite his relentless rage and attitude as grating and borderline off-putting enough to put the game down entirely. While his unstable nature can be entertaining at times, some players took issue with his more mean-spirited scenes and how far the writing pushed his over-the-top antics and randomness.
45 Votes in Poll
51 Votes in Poll
114 Votes in Poll