Hello & good evening, ladies & gentlemen.
I liked to propose a yes-or-no idea for the sake of the singular character-based infobox template. Here it is: Should we keep or not keep the 3 extra infobox sections ("Family", "Friends/Allies", & "Enemies"). Why? Think about it; it is because almost every characters must have relatives, allies & foes added to their profile & history. For example, the [[Carrie White|titular character]] of Stephen King's ''Carrie'' has [[w:c:hero;Tommy Ross|Tommy Ross]] & [[w:c:hero:Sue Snell|Sue Snell]] as her only friends, & her only relatives (besides her 3 maternal grandparents including her psychokinetic great-grandma) are both her religious nut-job mom [[w:c:villains:Margaret White|Margaret Brigham]] & her repulsively pathetic no-show dad [[w:c:villains:Ralph White|Ralph White]] who do might quite well serve as the poor lonely telekinetic gal's worst enemies alongside her hatefully lousy enemy [[w:c:villains:Chris Hargensen|Christine "Chris" Hargensen]] & the said teenage spoiled brat's Ultras clique.
Please spread the word of this, give some thought into it & finally cast your vote with yes or no ASAP. Thank you.