14 Votes in Poll
14 Votes in Poll
I don't believe there's enough evidence to indicate Player 244 is a villain.
Moleman, with the backing of the Jaredio the Fecal demon, has possessed the wiki and remade it in his image.
*Favorite Vampire: I would say Hellsing Alucard, but since he's technically Dracula I'll go with Seras Victoria instead cuz waifu
*Favorite Werewolf: Colonel Zol is the only one I can think of. If werecats also count then maybe the cat cultists from Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
*Favorite Mad Scientist: Professor Ryoma Sengoku
*Favorite Zombie: Fight the crisis! DANGEROUS ZOMBIE! (Kuroto Dan, technically)
*Favorite Ghost: Yuyuko Saigyouji
*Favorite Devil: A tie between HIM and Lord of Darkness from Legend. Also Kid Icarus Hades if he counts.
*Favorite Witch: Wicked Witch of the West (not the Meg Griffon one though)
*Favorite Killer Doll: Chucky. If that's too well known than Chief and Arbiter from Arby n the Chief since it's basically nihilistic Toy Story.
*Favorite Scary Child: The two twin girls from The Shining, whose names I forget.
*Favorite Space Monster: King Ghidorah. Maybe EVOLTO!! too if he counts as a "monster".
*Favorite Psychopath: Ryoma Sengoku again. Yes I like him that much.
*Favorite Killer Robot: The Roidmudes
Vegeta's redemption arc makes sense, but I think a lot of people misinterpret when the arc actually happens. It is NOT when Vegeta teams up with Goku and the others to fight Frieza, nor is it when Vegeta helps them against Cell, NOR is it when Vegeta settles down on Earth to raise Trunks with Bulma. It actually happens about a 1/3 of the way into the Buu Saga.
By the start of the Buu saga, Vegeta isn't really "good" so much as retired from being a monster. The loss of Goku has left Vegeta without an opponent that could truly match him and instead he's become content to raise Trunks with Bulma since he doesn't see a point in fighting anyone when there's no one who could challenge him like Goku did. The Z-Fighters are still wary of him, but they're willing to let him stay on Earth since he's not attacking anyone anymore and is still the strongest person on the planet. If Villains Wiki existed in the 1980s when Dragon Ball Z was airing, Vegeta's page would be marked with "Remorseful" at this point but not "Redeemed".
But then Goku comes back (big surprise), this time because God intervened and resurrected him. And Vegeta, upon seeing Goku again, gets the realization that while he was raising Trunks and settling down with family life, Goku kept training, even while dead, and there's now a huge power gap between both of them. Unable to come to terms with the fact that his old nemesis is now leagues stronger than him again, Vegeta ultimately allows Babidi to turn him into a majin, basically forsaking the life he had before just to get another shot at his nemesis.
But Vegeta doesn't stop loving Trunks and Bulma. They're still his wife and son. Which leads Vegeta to be faced with a dilemma between them and facing Goku, and ultimately, he chooses his family. With Majin Buu now awakened partly due to his actions though, Vegeta has only one way to redeem himself and that's to sacrifice himself to stop Buu.
I think conversation Vegeta has with Piccolo right before his sacrifice really spells how selfless the act is. Vegeta is a Saiyan, which is a species that lives for an inordinately long amount of time (I believe Akira Toriyama has said that Saiyans only start to become middle aged when they enter into their eighties) and is basically a god compared to someone on Earth. And, as Piccolo notes, if Vegeta dies he's going to straight to Hell for the things he's done in his past; his sudden Face turn doesn't cancel any of the planets he destroyed or people he killed. Despite this, Vegeta, after hearing Piccolo's words, accepts his fate and the years of torment he will endure down in Hell, choosing to sacrifice himself and the long life he could have just to save his son and the entire universe.
Though Vegeta's sacrifice unfortunately did not work. And Vegeta ended up being resurrected anyway, but it's the intent that matters. Vegeta went into his sacrifice believing he would die and spend eternity in Hell, and he went through with it all to save someone else, speaking miles to how he's grown as a character.
In short, Vegeta's redemption is not something that happens within the space of a few minutes, like White Diamond, nor is it something where everyone just up and forgives Vegeta for no reason like in Naruto. There's a logical through line to the events that Vegeta experiences and how each of them pushes him towards turning good.
Vegeta also never raped anyone. That might help.
Yeah I totally agree with this. Nobuyuki Sugou wasn't evil at all. He was just misunderstood.
Congrats on your promotion. I know you've all worked hard.
Yeah, but the plot for most of the movie was about stopping Ghidorah, not stopping Jonah, and Jonah relied on Ghidorah to enact his plans.
Yeah, Jonah doesn't really do anything after Ghidorah gets released. He kickstarts the plot at the beginning of the movie but that's about it. The whole movie was about stopping Ghidorah, not stopping Jonah. While he may show up as a main antagonist in future sequels in this movie he is not the main threat.
All right. I've stated my reasons for disagreement up there so I'll leave it at that.
Why's that?
@NerdWithAKeyboard That's literally the same thing as the VFH poll. The only difference is where it's being showcased. I don't see the point in having separate VFH and VFB polls when we could easily tie them together.
Because a lot more people are still going to view the background than the main page. Most people find this wiki through its articles for villains. Plus, as I said above, having two separate polls for voting on villains is redundant. Also, tying it into VFH would solve the problem you just mentioned Prime of people not knowing who the villains on the background are because they could view the VFH template to find their names.
I don't think having a special designation is equivalent to being featured in the background of the wiki. Plus having two polls for villains would be redundant.
I disagree. Not everyone views the front page. Having a separate poll for VFB would render VFH pointless because putting villains on the background gives them much more exposure than being on the front page. VFH would just become an inferior version of VFB. If we're going to determine which villains should be on the background we have to tie it into VFH or else the latter will have no reason for existing.
I disagree. If we had VFB be separate from VFH then there would be no point to VFH because it just seem like an inferior version of VFB since the winner of it would receive far less publicity than the winners of VFB. Having the villains voted on by VFH be the ones who appear on the wiki background for the year would be a great way to publicize the winners to the rest of the wiki and create more of an incentive for users to participate in it.
Perhaps we could create a background of all the villains who were voted on each month in VFH the past year and have that be the wiki background up until the end of the year when we create a new background of all the VFH winners that year.
It just seems like too much work to change the background every month. Perhaps we could do background changes annually instead.
On the subject of the wiki background, I think updating it every month or so would be tedious and unnecessary. It would be better to only have a single background for most of the year and perhaps sometimes change it for holidays.
I think this is a good idea and would improve the efficiency of the wiki. There are a lot of locked pages on this wiki that could use clean up and giving a few trusted users content moderator perms would allow for them to do that. Plus it would allow for more staff to be online if vandalism occurs, so the vandalism can be reverted swifter until an admin is able to ban the user causing the trouble.