As we know, the Article 13 is destroying Internet and must keep ourselves from this. Website using images/memes without the permission of the creator are being torn apart by the Article 13, and fandom is not immune to it as I saw with the removal of a famous creepypasta, Mr. Bear that was removed by the staff for violating copyrights from this wiki a few days ago (we might discuss the fate of Creepypastas in a near future).
With that said, I'm proposing here the Villains For Background (VFB). What is it? Basically it's like another monthly poll similar to Villains For Headline (VFH). The purpose of its creation is not only to help allow us to have even more users' content to be agreed on by our community but keep the wiki community-original meta. It will also not only help us both to evolve but also keep with Fandom's general goal of having our wiki be as inclusive as possible. We are Villains Wiki, so why not have a background that represent our goal here: Villains. Instead of using a random "evil" image from Google, why not create a background for our own liking?
Basically, the poll will be monthly and we will have 5 or 6 candidates to appear in the background. As you can see now the background of this month have Thanos from MCU on the left side and Herrscher of the Void on the right side. You will propose the villains who will appear in each side and the winner(s) will appear in the background of the next month. If we have good images, it can be even two villains for each side, with the total of 4 villains (but no more or less than that). If a villain you propose wins (it will be decided by votes like VFH), you have to post the PNG image you want to appear in the image. The background? I'll decide it on my own but we can decide the background if we all agree the fandom should decide it.
See Wookiepedia for example, they have their own original background and change it when a new fictional work of Star Wars comes out.
So any thoughts, Queen Misery and Magma Dragoon seems to support the idea.