Ok the guy is not a mute he has been shown talking in flashback, why does he keep getting added? I feel like adding him to mute despite his speaking could lead to potential abuse of the category.
Ok the guy is not a mute he has been shown talking in flashback, why does he keep getting added? I feel like adding him to mute despite his speaking could lead to potential abuse of the category.
Alright I'm deleting her.
I've sent this link to a few other admins. We'll wait. Like I said if there is an evil version of her in a separate media from the Universal films it should be it's own page and not that of universal.
Alright i may just delete her then. Think that's good or should i wait for other admins?
Then I'm all for deleting her page.
I don't know about other incarnations of the character, but she's never brought to life int he book and literally all she does int he movie is scream at the monster and break his heart. She doesn't actually kill or try to kill anyone or purposefully endanger her life. And she makes no real appearance in the original novel, Dr. Frankenstein destroyed her body before he could bring it back to life. If she's evil in other versions there should be a page just for that version alone, but as far the film goes i don't see her counting personally. Who else thinks she should be deleted?
Alright guys time to make a choice how shall we re word the original definition?
Alright everyone how shall we re word the definition?
Alright guys so what's the consensus?
I think I agree with you there Love Robin. What about average animals?
Ok I admit this question is mostly for admins but it's still open for anyone, obviously . I feel there should be some more clarification on what constitutes a One Man Army. One of the basic rules is that they have to take down 4 or more people at once to qualify. Though I also added that some villains like Te Ka who are giant cosmic monsters can prove they are capable enough without actually taking on that number of foes. But what about trained, human hitmen like Anton Chigurh who was seen only ever taking down three people at once? I'd like to gather some thoughts.
So I wanted to discuss something seeing as to how i haven't been very active on here in a while, and that is the Spniosaurs' status as a villain. I'm considering maybe having the page recreated but only if i get approval from other admins. And i admit my reason is a bit of a stretch and may be more of a fan theory than anything else. I don't know if this has been discussed before, but it's been theorized that the Spino is constantly attacking the group out of vengeance for the them damaging it's sail earlier in the movie. Again don't know if it's a good enough reason and it may be a stretch, or if it's even been discussed before but I wanted to throw it out there at least.
That might actually be a good idea. I don't want to limit our options. Plus I've been thinking and i think we should allow fan art on the wiki. I know Villains Fanon does and I think we should do the same given most villains from works not made won't have a pic.
Of course he is he killed a man and ate his body parts.
Probably not. We'd need as much info as possible.
I would like to point out that NerdWithAKeyboard and I have collaborated on the Unpublished Villains wiki! A wiki for villains or versions of villains/other characters that didn't make it to the final project. I intend to continue it with the same rules we have on here such as the rules on the PE category (once we get enough characters that count cause it still needs to evolve). Anyone who wants to contribute feel free! Looper is already doing his part with the original versions of Scar and Woody. I really wanna get this wiki out there while it's still in development.
Umm...what's your answer Draco?Care to elaborate rather than just "Jason"?
Hey guys so I was thinking we should do a category that contains both the Friday the 13th villains and the Nightmare on Elm Street villains. Since Freddy and Jason both live in the same universe I feel this is necessary. We have at least enough from all sides to make a category-including the entity and Jason and Freddy from the remakes. And a the category should make it clear that all villains (Friday the 13th and Nightmare) technically fall under Fictional Fictional since they all exist in a tv world within the Entity's real world. Obviously Fictional Fictional doesn't apply to the remake timelines because they are their own timelines. Now my last question is, do you guys think we should include the Evil Dead Villains as well? Cause I'm pretty sure Freddy vs Jason vs Ash is non canonical. If we did decide on that I guess it'd be called FVJA but I'll let you guys decide.
Then they're not made of evil. The two cannot coincide.