I'm not sure why my poll for Rafal suddenly disappeared. Was I breaking a rule or something?
It means Pure Evil: Being the darkest, or ONE of the darkest characters in the whole franchise, and not having any redeeming qualities whatsoever.
They're stand out in terms of heinousness in the show and are never portrayed in a positive manner (unless it's a ploy to bring their foes into a false since of trust, only to betray them, or subvert their positive traits)
They're always taken seriously, especially in-universe providing fear, revulsion and hatred from the other characters in the story -- and sometimes even other villains. (So comedy villains can't be PE, unless they bring a sense of darkness the other villains lack.)
They are completely devoid of altruistic qualities. They don't show any remorse for their crimes and they absolutely can't redeem themselves.
And that's just the basics. I can explain more if you want.
@Enragedshadow It's a cartoon with questionable continuity. It's very rare that characters -- including villains -- actually stay dead. I'll bet you 5 dollars he'll be back somehow in some extended media.
Besides, we never get to see his dead corpse, he's probably just hiding.
Well, guess what. They all have pages now.
I'm not sure why my poll for Rafal suddenly disappeared. Was I breaking a rule or something?
Or who the show's target audience is...
Or MCU's Mysterio, or D*ck Hardly, or Palpatine. I could keep going if you want.
I don't know honestly. What happens when a character constantly changes alliances, or starts off as a full PE or PG, and then completely redeems himself or falls to the dark side, preventing them from even being Near Pure Evil/Good. THEN what?
So, you work on the Villains Wiki too. Don't you Romeo?
Everyone else, check this out.
'''Character's Traits'''
She definitely has a personality, and used her dark magic to torture her servants when she was alive, and was in a relationship with Issac (not that she enjoyed that relationship)
'''Heinous Standards'''
Let's see, she's had several failed killing attempts, killed Hammerhandle and tried to torture Lewis (a child) and force him to follow her commands. Not only that, she attempted to start the apocalypse just for the heck of using her black magic and having a hatred of the world itself. All without showing a speck of remorse.
'''Moral Event Horizon'''
I'm not sure when she did it exactly, but she killed Hammerhandle for a Hand of Glory, and tried to hurt everyone Lewis loved which I think are both MEH moments.
'''Individual Capability'''
Oh yeah, Selena does NOT mess around. She kills any servants who fail her, or she dislikes. Held Jonathan and Florence hostage and tried to kill Lewis as well. Plus she and Issac managed to create a doomsday, world-threating clock that nearly wiped out all of humanity. To say you don't want to mess with her is an understatement.
'''Moral Agency'''
The woman is completely aware she's a heartless monster, but she doesn't care in the least.
'''No Groups'''
Check, Selena is a individual
'''No Redeeming Qualities'''
Definitely. Aside from the previous ruthless acts I mentioned earlier, she also doesn't show any care or love for her own husband Issac, dismissing him and insulting him, and calling him "worthless".
'''No Sympathy'''
Look at the other examples, and you'll see what I mean.
'''Screen Time'''
Book: We get to fully experience and see her wickedness in action, so we know how despicable see is.
2018 film: Pretty much the same as the novel, but it's just as scary, if not scarier.
'''The Worst'''
Technically, yes. Even though Issac Izard was the real main villain of the novel and film, since he created the Doomsday clock in the first place, Selena was the one who did the manipulation, and delivered the most damage, to the heroes, and the other people around her. Plus Issac's actions were offscreen, disqualifying him from the category. So the way I see it, Selena is the real monster of the story.
'''Story Type'''
A Dark Fantasy Novel. A perfect place for despicable villains.
How ''this'' for a review?
Okay, I'm here to propose Selena Izard as a Complete Monster. I watched the film a few months ago, and I wanted to propose her and Issac for those months. But then I chose Selena, for several reasons. She helped to construct the clock the book is named after with her late, and completely despised husband, Isaac. The clock they made is a powerful artifact that would end the world when stopped at a certain time. When Selena was brought back from the dead, she pursues Lewis Barnavelt, killed one of her own men to create a Hand of Glory and attempted to kill Lewis's protectors to get to him for the clock. Selena then tries to blackmail Lewis into giving up the clock by threatening to torture his uncle and the good witch Florence, intending on using the clock to end the world out of sheer spite.
So in short, Selena Izard tried to torture a child, harm anyone close to him to bring about the end of the world with Issac's plan. Issac may be the mastermind, but Selena did most of the manipulation. I think she deserves to be on here.
This is a great idea. It's way better than having to flip through every single villain page one-by-one.
Okay, I'm voting a yes here.
Anyway as long as we're talking about antagonists, Let's talk about Chad C.