Is there's a rank of villainy than villainous benchmark or is that's the lowest?
44 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
Hey Hey no need to go all bold in your typing.
Good Thank you both.
Is there's a rank of villainy than villainous benchmark or is that's the lowest?
He look awesome
Professor Cephalopod
That i see also.
I see
Absolute Awesome Villain
When I first saw spinel and people theorized that she would not be redeemed but after seeing the movie i felt so sad on her backstory and motivation (this is why anti-villains are one of the best villains ever),
Pure Savage
That's a ultra hard one.
Wish i can vote for two villains at once (green goblin).
Lord Dominator from Wander Over Yonder is one of my favorite villainesses and I would like to know is "is there are other villains similar to her"
He give peter quite a fight and feel bad about him for his mutation.
At first i didn't like the that suit from the 2002 movies but i'm beginning to like it now (but the upgrade it's awesome but when did he did all that)?
Raven Beak he look more powerful.
Well i don't know completely but don't the diamond's powers only work on other gems (i mean blue diamond's sad aura affected connie but maybe that was a error).
Seem like a big jerk (in this alter ego that is).