please consider returning the Omnipotent category, it is a very well-established and active trope, especially with villains - it is not the same as reality-warping and to be frank lumping all the reality-warpers together is just as messy as the argument of "omnipotent category was messy".
we shouldn't care what the other websites say (especially when these sites are usually populated by idiotic power-scale folk who like to act superior to everyone else but really just fanboy over their characters - the classic "lol, x is not omnipotent and you should feel bad for using the word" types, just.. no.. don't even humor those types of people).
a reality-warper is someone who can alter reality.. nuff said.. an omnipotent is someone who can *create* reality, someone who can *destroy* reality, someone who is *beyond* reality.. a reality-warp requires pre-existing powers and rules to manipulate.. an omnipotent does not.
Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet or Heart of Universe is omnipotent, pre-retcon Beyonder is omnipotent etc etc.. the Abstract Entities.. the Cosmic Beings.. these are omnipotents, not guys like Mad Jaspers etc (or worse Scarlet Witch and so on).
so please, bring back omnipotent category - lumping them all in as "reality-warpers" is flawed.