I know this is an old post but even as a former user, I found myself dismayed with the management. Like, if I had been a moderator or an admin there, I'd have gone out of my way to get rid of as much of the NSFW content and possible bias as possible. I mean, that image of Gaddafi's death on his page and certain word choices? Good lord.
Dr. X from Queensrÿche albums "Operation: Mindcrime" and "Operation: Mindcrime II". A mysterious political and religious demagogue, this leader of a supposed secret organization is a nefarious, manipulative brainwasher who uses the protagonist Nikki's heroin addiction and brainwashing techniques to turn him into an assassin who turns into his docile puppet when Dr. X uses the word "mindcrime" and uses this state to make Nikki carry out any murder the doctor wants. Not only that but even though he claims to be dedicated to a revolution targeting the rich and powerful, Dr. X has himself become such by the time the events of "Operation: Mindcrime II" take place, hinting that he either is a hypocrite or has abandoned these ideals. Furthermore, he orders the murders of Sister Mary and Father William, one of his own associates who had introduced Nikki to Mary because he saw a threat in Mary to his cult of personality, showing that he is not above ordering the murders of even close associates.
The deletion log says that it was deleted as a result of the rule forbidding companies based on real-life companies.
Yeah, the exact episode is Pinewood Derby where his decision to help his son cheat in a pinewood derby leads to accidental discovery of alien life, with what appears to be an intergalactic criminal leaving some "space cash" behind. Instead of returning it, Randy decides to hide the money with Mexico jeopardizing the operation by building hospitals. When he learns of Vanhanen and the gang's intent to tell the truth, he just goes "Well, gotta nuke Finland". Really not seeing how incompetence justifies that kind of activity.
Tell me about it. Randy had my country destroyed in a nuclear missile attack just because of intent to tell the truth about the "space cash".
Another user marked Randy's page for deletion on the grounds that "He might be an inept character, but his deeds are not in his desires to do bad. He is just clusmy and foolish, than cruel and evil.".
It's because he's not considered a villain around here and the page was apparently recreated without admin approval (the wiki's rules say you cannot recreate a page without admin approval).
Bookworm signing up.
Um, my apologies if this comes across as rude, Tobyrogers22 but psychopaths have impaired remorse and empathy and sociopathy is a subset of psychopathy. Source to strengthen the claim with remorse: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/development-and-psychopathology/article/triarchic-conceptualization-of-psychopathy-developmental-origins-of-disinhibition-boldness-and-meanness/172BC63ED5C4C4C295C47DDCB01E838D
I'd say yes but Heinous Standards should also be brought up and we switched to blog post format in Pure Evil Proposals awhile ago.
I'mma go with a "Yes". Just reading the article itself about this monster does give me the impression that it indeed has a moral agency.
Easy yes.
Junko Enoshima from the Danganronpa franchise and the Protagonist of VOCALOID song Fear Garden.
Westcott may have already been heinous enough on his own but becoming a copycat of him by your own will? Yeah, that's just bonus points in terms of deserving a place in the category.
Aah, thanks for clarifying.
I may not be all that familiar with the Jurassic Park franchise but those details seem to be close to a PE Villain (key word: "seem"), although, I have to correct you on something regarding the downplaying factors: it IS possible for a PE villain to be a dimwit. Yes, it is uncommon for that occur and stupidity can make a villain amoral but there are exceptions to this rule. Hydell is an example of a dimwitted villain who is considered pure evil. Plus, PE villains can be necessary as well, the description in the category says the following:
"Pure Evil villains CAN be necessary, regardless of how wicked they are. Despite being very evil in the setting that appear in, their status, power, or occupation may be necessary to uphold the order of the place that the story takes place in, thus they are in a way "Necessary Evil". Technically, this include Purely Evil villains who fall under the first, fifth (in circumstances like these, it is considered Evil Vs. Evil), third, sixth, twelfth, or twenty-first criteria - and ONLY these criterias.
This is not a redeeming quality as the Pure Evil villain is still dangerous to the setting that they happen to be necessary in. For example, abusing or enslaving those around them while upholding stability to something greater that they are apart of. Akainu from One Piece is a powerhouse that is needed to stop the pirates. But while he is needed for stopping dangerous pirates, he is a pure evil individual who is abusive of his power. Nevertheless, keep in mind that adding a Pure Evil under Necessary Evil MUST remain exceptional.
In another extreme case, there are Pure Evil villains that can still be necessary to the story itself from where they came from. This happens only when the villain is the "key" character to the work from where they came from. In other words, "without the villain, there is no plot". For example: Isaac Ray Peram Westcott from Date A Live is the catalyst character from the series. Without him, the universe of the said work would have never existed to begin with as it was him who set the events of the story in motion by summoning the Mio Takamiya on Earth, starting the story in-universe. As such, the same villain killed the main protagonist of the series (when he was an ordinary citizen), Shinji Takamiya, and so restarting the life of the hero and giving birth to the main protagonist of the series. Later in the story, the said protagonist would be the saver of the universe, stopping Westcott's ambitions. Aside from that, Westcott's Deus.Ex.Machina Industries is necessary to the world as they provide weapons and power to all nations. Without DEM, billions will suffer from a global economic crisis."
One question: where does it say that "if a PE villain isn't a psychopath, he/she can only be either the most depraved kind of psychotic or a completely emotionless being"? I've read the criteria thoroughly and it doesn't say that anywhere. Westcott, for example, does not fit either description but rather has been confirmed to have excellent mental health and can feel emotions but still counts as someone who is widely considered Pure Evil because, like I said, any redeeming quality he would have is transformed into cruelty and inhumanity (i.e. the more attached he becomes to someone, the more he wants said person to suffer or die so that he would experience the sorrow caused by it). Also, demons and other such things are normally exempt from humans' psychological terminology and Old Nick is not classified as a psychopath over here. Don't get me wrong, I get your cause but I couldn't help bringing up what I wrote and I think you understand what I'm getting at.
There is also the Black Humanoid from the music video for Prison Sex by Tool which I didn't immediately remember to mention.
One example that comes to mind is Isaac Ray Peram Westcott from Date A Live. In-universe he was confirmed to be someone who technically has the mentality of a completely sane, basic human being apart from his sadomasochism and depravity. The reason he qualifies as Pure Evil is that this is also the guy who toys with his redeeming qualities by turning them into cruelty and inhumanity.
You're welcome.