It’s just strange as the mice and the Other Bobinsky are essentially the same being as the Other Bobinsky is just the rats as the Other Mother didn’t have someone to play the role of the Other Bobinsky
Considering your either a human or a not no
Ru dumb?
Do you really think the Star Wars universe would work without Darth Vader?
Michael Myers was the OG but my personal Favourite is Freddy Krueger
Eh fair enough comedy is subjective I just think Wheatley just had the better deliveries as his voice is a lot more human
How is Glados funny?
Working for the penguin would get you paid
Not much will change as you hardly post
It’s just strange as the mice and the Other Bobinsky are essentially the same being as the Other Bobinsky is just the rats as the Other Mother didn’t have someone to play the role of the Other Bobinsky
No one cares
The train only keeps derailing
Yeah because The Joker could really beat the evil version of one of the most powerful heroes and a fire breathing turtle monster
@Godzillavkk The only redeeming quality about rise of skywalker was the effects so I can agree with you but I still don’t think it’s the best
I mean I can understand thinking Harry Potter is overrated but the reason why you dislike Avatar: The Last Airbender is because it’s too childish for you.
It’s a show on Nickelodeon which is meant to be geared towards kids and your complaining the show can be childish
Heath Ledger was easily the best part of the film he wasn’t the most comic accurate but he was the most realistic incarnation
Killgrave is psychotic and I love it
I love how more people have picked one from maybe on of the games or something than Kai
Making Hoffman the main antagonist in the later films is what killed the Saw franchise in my opinion
I mean Dooku had pretty much been rejected from birth and had good reason to hate the Jedi
In what way was Maul tragic?