I say Sukuna is plotting to commit the most evil tax fraud in human history.
I say Sukuna is plotting to commit the most evil tax fraud in human history.
Well, he's not really on this poll anyway.
Man is so egotistical he legitimately thinks he did absolutely nothing wrong with nearly wiping out his race and decimating most of his home world, in fact he's proud of it and should be praised for it.
Blame the studio, from what I've heard Rebecca apparently wanted the season to be longer so there would be build up for White Diamond. But the execs or something just cut the season short.
Honestly Vandal Savage was even less than White imo. Like no build up, no foreshadowing, just came out of no where for five minutes to reveal he's no longer evil just for a mere played for laughs moment.
Holy crap, that's evil as hell! Yeah Pink at least cares for the human race, she has some redeeming qualities and genuinely does mean well. Saying Zim is more sympathetic than Pink is borderline DILPing and forgetting all the depraved things he has done with none of the redeeming moments Pink has. Hell he'll do the same thing she does but ten times worse.
And Zim has no morals whatsoever ever, he do that to plenty of other people for the sake of his own ego, Punk at least has plenty of redeeming qualities to her while Zim barely has any beyond a small few pet the dog moments and yet still a massive dick and a sadist 99% of the time. Again idk what sympathy Zim even has compared to Pink.
Vandal Savage's moment was from one scene... Played off as a joke, they redeem him for no reason other than a one scene joke. Which is stupid, like really stupid, imagine a villain killing women and children for shits and giggles who gets to jail and a few episodes later shown to have turned a new leaf for a 5 second joke scene.
One episode, one scene, and that's where he shows up and gets redeemed. One of the most annoying, and bizarre redemptions I've ever seen in my life which is so stupid to me. Especially considering how depraved and sadistic he is throughout the Arrowverse.
Zim is arguably far less sympathetic than Pink as he engages in horrific atrocities with sadistic relish, to blatantly attempting mass scale genocide on the human race with the added bonus of evil ass experiments he done on humans. Don't forget the mass destruction and death he did to his own people during Operation Impeding Doom 1 which he showed zero regrets for. Pink at least cares for her family and the human race and has much more heroic moments than Zim, who's egoistical psychopath and a narcissist who rarely cares for anyone besides his own self-declared glory. Hell, him saving the Earth from the Planet Jackers is solely for the fact he wants to conquer the Earth and thinking they're stealing what is basically property to him and his kind. He has zero issues destroying the Earth himself as he shown on several occasions.
Zim is far from sympathetic as you can get. He's a sadistic psychopath who is funny, but Zim and Sympathetic do not mix at all in my opinion.
EDIT: Bruh I can't believe I accidentally voted on Zim when I should've voted on Pink Diamond-
I absolutely do not like her on the other hand regardless of her backstory or fanservice. She's annoying, a major edgy assholes majority of the time especially towards Moxxie for no apparent reason (hell she even enjoys tormenting him if you rewatch the episodes). She's hella toxic, abusive even towards her adoptive father. Yeah she has some depths and a few moments... Those aren't enough for me, the fact she never apologized for what she said during that Verosika episode doesn't help. Evsb if that's her character and that's the joke, I don't like her regardless.
Hell her backstory doesn't give me sympathies, just makes me not like her even more. She gets adopted and yet she still treats Blitzø like crap just pisses me off a bit more. Maybe if they released the part of the season 1 finale or new episodes show more of her kinder side, than maybe I could cut her some slack. But for the time being, I absolutely despise her.
From what I've been gathering about the Tyranids, they sound like true menaces to (galactic) society. I'll go with them though admittedly I don't know much about the Zergs.
It was an early April Fool's joke...
NOOOO, who killed the goat?!?!! 😱💀😱💀
Kinda rude to say it like that but yeah, it's a mere joke nothing to take too seriously.
Whoever sacrificed a goat to a goat god to do this must be a mad lad lmao.
Oh that's a good one I gotta admit. I like those examples.
Both, but that depends how written both are. Just because one is sympathetic doesn't really make a good written character all the time, and not all PEs are well written too (look at MCU Malekith).
Maybe Azathoth.
Sauron only makes a powerful ring, let's not forget Morgoth can technically create too (Ancalagon the big ass dragon said to be bigger than whole mountains etc). So that kinda gives Morgoth another advantage, plus Sauron was outright scared going back to Morgoth when he knew he failed which shows that even he acknowledged Morgoth is more powerful.
He has little redeeming qualities but he did had a pretty bad childhood, but I'll tell you that as someone who seen the show. Whether it's meant to be genuinely sympathetic or not I find debatable still.