I don’t know why.
28 Votes in Poll
28 Votes in Poll
The name is actually Doey the Doughman. I misspelled.
26 Votes in Poll
I don’t know why.
While it’s true he parodied the late Steve Jobs, the narrative still takes him very seriously, as with in-universe too. He was originally played for laughs, but he became very serious near the end of II2.
39 Votes in Poll
45 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
Hide in the bottom floor with my phone.
Usually this would cause them to become less heinous, as they have potential to do worse. He actually had several rejected villains like Orgalorg from Adventure Time and Bradford Buzzard from DuckTales 2017 just because they hold back their resources or had been described to be very powerful, only to slip and fall behind another villain’s heinousness.
It can be your favorite rejected PE, or for any other reason.
I would not want Bill to go into my mind and look at my search history. 😳
What happened?
44 Votes in Poll
I see it now. Also off topic, I don’t think she would be heinous enough to pass the Heinous Standards since her “take over the world” plot relies on fridge horror.
After watching the film, I kind of wished that only Tai Lung was brought back instead of the Kai or Shen. Plus, I kind of wished that they characterized the Chameleon more since we don’t know much about her past besides being a power hungry sorceress (there are also a lack of flashbacks revolving around her past, unlike the other three KP big bads).
The April Fools joke this year is that the VFH has an image of some grown ass man instead of Sephiroth.
Remember last year when this wiki had a goat as its background? HEHEHEH