I once made a Pure Evil tier list and posted it here a while back so I decided to also make a Pure Good tier list while I was at it
Hope yall enjoy :D
@Greasy Chicken Forgot to type oops, but it can be either or
Own ranking btw
I once made a Pure Evil tier list and posted it here a while back so I decided to also make a Pure Good tier list while I was at it
Hope yall enjoy :D
@Accounty the Sequel Yeah it's the kind of thing where it's hard to imagine ANYONE growing up like that to be some kind of saint, but still, the things he does in the series can be genuinely horrific even considering that
Mind you I'm not saying he is, I just kinda wanted to bring up discussion
Do you all think Homelander could count as pure evil? Due to his positive traits slowly dying out as the series goes on
@REEA131 Don't know them but just by doing a brief google search probably atleast eldritch horror
@Lord Admiral Thrawn Wait I don't remember that detail was that in the movie or in some secondary material?
Ohhh wait I misread the question oops I thought you meant who's my favorite
Probably Grey Mann from TF2 lol
Probably Bowser? If that counts
He's kind of just a perfect adaptational villain. Like even in the Mario Movie where I don't even think it was that great of a movie, I still thought he was great in that
Only one I know is Yokai and he is honestly... eh?
So I'm just gonna abstain from voting here
@Quothetheraven79 Mainly because alot of his character is pretty comedic. Not that it makes his actions *not* pure evil but still there's a little bit of a leeway you can argue.
Like Cecil Creepler for example is incredibly disgusting and heinous and does deserve to be in the pure evil category but he still does have comedic parts of his character that make me think putting him there works
@Yoshikage1234 I do stick by Bateman being complex considering how ambiguous it is as to how he feels about many of his actions or attempted actions but I'll admit me putting Voldy there was just kind of me guessing based on him having some kind of sad backstory and it being years since I've seen the movies
@LlamaLandlord27 Cecil Creepler
Link to the list itself: https://tiermaker.com/create/pure-evil-villains-v2-16327315
Not sure how accurate this is though, and KEEP IN MIND:
This isn't me saying that any of these characters DON'T qualify as pure evil, this is me merely wanting to do a funny little thing and make a list of who I think is more evil or NOT more evil than the other.
I may have still gotten some placements a bit wrong on this but hey I hope you enjoy lol
Idk anything about Evil Mr Incredible but SCP-6820-A is a conceptual entity that ended up ruling his universe I think he'd win
My own list btw
@Funtik1312 It's just a general domain meme yeah
@Funtik1312 Well they can't due to copyright reasons lol