Not how you get approval for categories and no, we aren’t adding more.
I can see somewhat both sides of the argument but the idea of him wanting a dangerous job wouldn’t inherently mean nihilist just a thrill seeker. Also because you mentioned thinking here nihilist is for those who are indifferent to dying or embrace it at all times not simply not believing in a life with out morals. Some nihilists are affable, honorable or a vast variety of things rather than just not believing in a life with no morals.
The classic of an evil sibling or clone trying to kill the hero which is mostly what he does, you find this in a lot of shows even for kids.
We don’t take polls on this type as most fail to understand Game Changer is not “more serious than normal”. It’s about a character in a lighthearted story (it is) that is so jarring it feels like an entirely different story or genre. He’s more serious but not to the degree. He has a couple comedic moments and just plays the “Evil Sibling” stereotype. Is he arguably the most serious? Yes but not to the extreme extent you act like.
I see no issues with them getting separate pages.
I can definitely understand why and the frustration wasn’t at you in particular but rather I unfortunately had to explain a few things like this in summaries in the past. Admittedly I got a bit too bitchy here so I will apologize for that.
No, this is getting aggravating as I’ve had to explain it at least three times in summaries. It’s implied that maybe sex but Superman still has a choice in if he took the act: Darkseid only brainwashed him to think he was raised by him. As a result Superman while confused and conflicted. All Darkseid does is essentially say if he wanted he could and to enjoy his status. Later the furries tease Superman but that’s it. At absolute most the furries and maybe Granny could count but not Darkseid himself as he literally does nothing either way when it comes to if they do the act itself. It’s messed up but even this is kind of debated as Superman’s morals while comprises by the false memories still had choices which is partly how he broke out of it.
To count even by proxy it takes more than simply telling his minions “make him loyal”, as Mesektet mentioned that act was more Granny and the furries themselves then anything Darkseid himself does. Does he show disgust? No but he never even ordered it.
Karma Houdini, it is the one who should be punished yet aren't in the story.
She seriously endangered others and was willing to let them die (between Island and Action, then in action when a supposed bomb was there) to get the prize along with trying to force her lawyers to give her unfair advantages. She likes to think herself the victim when outside of Island she isn't, as for the "Heroic Hamsters" that was Chris trolling everyone and playing along with her desire to be seen as the victim.
Graphic warning:
Probably Baron Karza from the Marvel run: he is a tyrant who’s destroyed worlds for resisting, had women raped nonstop to brainwash the newborn children to being loyal, has body banks where the elite could pay ridiculous amounts to get new body parts when their own wore out to prolong their lives and not even delusional. He’s essentially brags saying he wanted to be a God of Evil but when offered godhood on the condition of being at worst neutral he rejects it, he even tries to destroy the universe when it’s clear he can’t rule it due to the heroes. Basically imagine Palpatine and then some who did all this for centuries.
While not necessarily agreeing with it completely this and Anti-Villain are likely being changed in the near future.
Edit: Looks like they well be overlapping based off a discussion on Discord, I still don’t necessarily agree with all the changes that have happened to it and soon to be Anti-Villain but not a hill I’m going to die on here.
As of yet no, as I said before since the very beginning and as the page says they don’t go into outright terrorism but will at times come close. It’s supposed to be a very specific type of anti-villain that will often go more behind the scenes/use the system or government to move towards their goal. Not always granted but the page has said and been enforced for years as not overlapping the two, if it were to overlap it’d be redundant as Anti-Villain covers the whole “does bad things for a noble end goal”.
Frankly the case is closed but resources play a factor in MCU’s examples. Star Wars? The norm is genocide in every canon, even in the Disney one we have people who experimented on infants, tortured children and others, sex slavery, normal slavery being common occurrence, sadistic assassins and minimum one omnicidal maniac. Keep in mind that is the Disney one which is if anything lighter than Legends, even in as a whole Star Wars genocide of entire worlds isn’t that uncommon by military leaders. No with that said I’m locking this.
I’m locking this and going to be very blunt: he’s not a coward and if another edit war happens you will be blocked as it’s ridiculous. “He should take a punch” is very bad especially when Spider-Man is pissed, is bare minimum 10x stronger and could take a train hit. What is Beck/Mysterio going to do, hit him? He’s already putting himself in extreme danger with having the drones fire while he’s there. If Spider-Man can take a train head on Mysterio couldn’t hurt him with a punch, not being a total moron and fighting him fairly isn’t what makes a coward, that’s purely strategic and pragmatic. Had Mysterio had a suit like Iron Man while then constantly running it’d be another story but a normal guy being rightfully and understandably afraid when he knows Spider-Man’s strength plus he’s pissed? No, that’s called survival instincts with some basic common sense.
We’ve been over both these before and bringing it it discussions will not change our verdict. Now if blocked for similar on other sites I recommend you avoid repeating the same mistakes here, that’s all I’m saying on this matter.
If you they fall in love with another person by default not PE.
If it’s because they have to for their own reasons (Unknown Man from Elfen Lied being an example) it’s not an issue. Warning mature content so avoid if you don’t want to hear:
Another example is one I might propose if I make his page that does is Garrison Klum/Mister Brownstone who “protected” his brother (Francis Klum aka the 3rd person to take the name Mysterious) from bullies but would regularly rape him as his brother “owed him”. This apparently had been happening for years as even as an adult when forced into drug dealing by Garrison, Francis recounts how even now his brother does this, we even see Garrison close the windows and Francis ask him not to but told it’s basically not his call. So yeah it is only migrating and a character should only be under it if they are protecting people out of genuine care or loyalty vs a selfish reason
I understand that and Staff can if they deem it necessary block them across all wikis vs just that one.
There isn’t a lot we can do especially with the fact they aren’t here and doesn’t help I’m having a hard time finding the messages. That said I can offer some advice about how to deal with it on FANDOM: if it’s happening on multiple wikis or given the apparent severity go to Community Central and contact Staff. They can do it where their IP or account is unable to continue the harassment.