Alas, Poor Villain - and any other tropes relating with anything to do with sympathetic villains.
Cain and Abel - making villain and hero sibling is stupid and cliche, particularly in Ma'alefa'ak's case, where the entire planet got wiped out EXCEPT for him and his brother.
As Long as There is Evil - you can't win unless you pull Anti-Life Equation and control all free will in the universe.
Barbarian Tribe - a bunch of dicks going around demolishing everything and raping everyone.
Beware the Superman - oh no! Superman went evil again for thousandth time this decade! It's not like every other person in DC is either stronger/smarter than him or capable of disabling him instantly.
Bishounen Line - I generally prefer the opposite direction, more monstrous as evolves.
Evil Doppelganger - oh goody, a villain that looks exactly like hero but acts evil.